Structure of the education system in Argentina

Structure of the education system in Argentina

Structure of the education system in Argentina

The education system consists of educational services for state and private management, cooperative and social management. Education is compulsory from age five until the completion of secondary education.

The structure of the educational system comprises four levels:
- Preschool Education: covers children from forty-five (45) days to five (5) years of age, inclusive, being the last compulsory year.

- Elementary School: starts from 6 years of age. It consists of 6 or 7 years, depending on the decision of each jurisdiction.

- Secondary education: consists of 6 or 5 years, depending on the determination of each jurisdiction. It is divided into two (2) cycles: a Basic Cycle, from unexceptional to all areas, and Oriented Cycle of diversified nature depending on the different areas of knowledge, and the social world of work.

- Higher education comprises: Universities and University Institutes (state or private authorized, in accordance with the denomination established in Law No. 24.521) and community colleges with national, provincial or Autonomous City of Buenos Aires jurisdiction of state management or private.
And eight modes:
- Technical and Vocational Education - Arts Education
- Special Education
- Permanent Education for Youth and Adults
- Rural Education
- Intercultural Bilingual Education
- Education in Contexts of Deprivation of Liberty
- Domiciliary and Hospital Teaching

The Argentine university system consists of:

- 46 National Universities

- 46 Private Universities

- 7 Institutes State University

- 12 Private University Institutes

- 1 Provincial University

- 1 Foreign University

- 1 International University
The difference between universities and university colleges is that latter offering courses in one area of knowledge, whereas universities are divided into faculties, from which offer courses in various fields of knowledge.
Universities and university colleges offer certificates of graduation (degrees, engineering degrees, etc.) and postgraduate (specialization, masters and doctoral). Also offer undergraduate courses like intermediate bonds or short courses.
Higher education in Argentina also includes non-university institutes offering short (technical) courses and confer titles in undergraduate education.


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