Educational system Related Higher education

Educational system Related Higher education

Educational system
Higher education

Higher education in Brazil is offered by universities, universities, colleges, institutes and centers of technological education. Citizens can choose from three types of courses: BA, bachelor and technological training. The postgraduate courses are divided between lato sensu (specialization and MBAs) and strictu sensu (masters and doctorates).
Besides the attendance form, the student must have frequency at least 75% of lessons and evaluations, it is still possible to form up for distance learning (ODL). In this mode, the student receives books, handouts and enlists the help of internet. The presence of the student is not required within the classroom. There are also courses semipresential with classroom lessons and also the distance.
Julio Oliveira / Brazil Portal
The country has projects that facilitate student access to higher education and teachers, helping to improve the quality of teaching
The Department of Regulation and Supervision of Higher Education (beings), an agency of the Ministry of Education, the unit is responsible for ensuring that the educational legislation is enforced to ensure the quality of higher education in the country
To measure the quality of graduate programs in the country, the National Institute for Educational Studies Teixeira (Inep) and the Ministry of Education (MEC) using the General Index of Courses (PMI), released once a year, right after the publishing the results of Enade. The IGC builds upon the concepts of an average undergraduate institution, from the weighted enrollment, more notes graduate from each institution of higher education.
Ways to access
Citizens interested in studying in Brazilian higher education has several ways to access them. The entrance exam is the more traditional way and test the student's knowledge in courses taken in high school. Can be applied by the institution or by specialized companies. The National Education Examination (Enem), otherwise voluntary admission to higher education also brings objective questions on content learned in high school and an essay.
The Serial Evaluation in School is another means of access university that happens gradually and progressively, with tests applied at the end of each year of high school. Several institutions apply also tests, tests and assessments of knowledge focused on the area of ​​the course that the student intends to do. Some colleges and universities also choose selection processes based on interviews or information on personal and professional candidates, like schooling, courses, historical experience and academic or professional performance.
Programs and actions
The Brazilian government maintains projects that facilitate student access to higher education and teachers and help improve the quality of education federal institutions.
Meet some of them:
The objective of the Fund for Financing Higher Education Students (FIES) is to finance the higher education of undergraduate students who are unable to afford the costs of their education. To apply for the Fies, students must be enrolled in institutions paid, registered in the program and positive assessment in the evaluation processes of the MEC.
The Scholarship Program Initiation to Teaching (Pibid) offers scholarships for the teaching of courses for students who are dedicated to training in the public schools and that when graduates commit to work as teachers in the public schools. The goal is to anticipate the link between future teachers and classrooms. With this initiative, Pibid makes a link between higher education (through undergraduate), the school and the state and municipal systems.
The University for All Program (ProUni) was created in 2004 by Law No. 11.096/2005. Its purpose is to provide scholarships to full and partial students of undergraduate courses and sequential specific training, always in private institutions of higher education. Who joins the program receives tax exemption.
The Support Programme for the Restructuring and Expansion of Federal Universities (Gather) seeks to increase access and retention in higher education. The goal is to double the number of students in undergraduate courses in ten years, from 2008, and allow the entry of over 680,000 students in undergraduate courses. To find out, visit the special website Gather.
Milton Santos Project Access to Higher Education (Promisaes) aims to promote technical and scientific cooperation and cultural exchange between Brazil and countries - particularly Africans - in the areas of education and culture. The program offers financial support (worth a minimum monthly salary) for foreign students participating in the Program Undergraduate Students-Agreement (PEC-G), enrolled in graduate programs in federal institutions of higher education.


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