Education in Chile

Education in Chile

Education in Chile


National resources for education

95.7 %
Education index
0.918 ( 46th in the world )

 • Secondary Education
 • Higher Education

Pupil Teacher Ratio x
 • Primary Education
 • Secondary Education

Education in Chile is divided into pre - school, primary school, secondary school and higher education . Education is governed by the Constitutional Organic Law of Education ( LOCE ) 1990 .
According to the constitution of Chile , primary and secondary school are mandatory for all Chileans. The state provides an extensive system of educational vouchers , which cover about 90 % of students in primary and secondary education . This system is based on the payment directly to schools based assistance. In practical terms , if the student transfers to other schools , payment assistance moves too. Schools are either municipal or private . Private schools can be subsidized by the government or not .
The educational system is regulated and supervised by the Ministry of Education . The Consejo Superior de Educación ( CSE ) plays a role rule on the request for official recognition of professional institutes and universities , verify its development , establish selective examination and evaluation systems , to recommend sanctions and conduct studies on higher education .
The right to education and freedom of teaching are enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic , which have legal recognition to private establishments must comply with the fundamental objectives and contents Mandatory Minimum (OF -CMO ) prescribed in Articles 15 to 20 of LOCE . These requirements and standards are established by the Ministry of Education and the CSE .
In the last five years, there were two major waves of demonstrations on the state of education in the country . Over the past 20 years, more than 800 public schools closed , and only 36 percent of students are enrolled in public schools .

educational system
Levels of education in Chile are :
Preschool: For children under 5 years of age , optional for 1st grade .
Primary school (basic Enseñanza ) for children between 5 and 13 years of age, divided into eight series .
Secondary school ( Enseñanza Average) for teenagers to 13-18 years of age, divided into four series .
Secondary schools are also divided into:
Human - scientific approach : In the Third Medium ( 11th grade ) in high school , students can choose a specialization in science ( mathematics, physics , chemistry, biology ) , or human ( literature, history , sociology) , which means that they will have more lessons in the area of your choice .
Technical and professional education students receive education in an extra call technical areas such as electricity, mechanical , metallurgical , etc. . This second type of education is more typical of public schools , giving students from poorer areas the chance to work so complete secondary school.
University , a system divided into public universities ( or state ) , and a private system .
Child educaçãon caters to children between 83 days and six years , divided into the following levels :
Sala Cuna : (84 days to 2 years )
Average: ( 2 to 4 years)
Transición : ( 4-6 years) . Differentiates this level the Primer level ( prekinder , 4-5 years) and Second Level ( kinder , 5-6 years) .
The Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles ( JUNJI , 1970) is a public service dependent on the Ministry of Education , tasked to create , plan, coordinate , promote, encourage and supervise the organization and operation of kindergartens .
Elementary education
The 1965 reform established primary education as the first cycle of studies . Before retirement in 1920 , the legislation of Chile had established a minimum of 4 years for compulsory education . In 1929 the duration increased to six years , and in 1965 to eight years divided into two cycles , ideally created for children 6-13 years.
secondary education
The secondary school is divided between Human Scientific ( normal) , Technical Professional ( vocational ) and Artistic always lasting 4 years. The first two years are the same for the three types of school, while the third and fourth are differentiated according to the guidance of the school.
Schools offering technical and vocational programs are called :
Industrial schools : electricity , mechanics, electronics , computer science, among others .
Business schools : business, economics , secretary and the like.
Technical schools : fashion , cooking , nurses , and the like.
Multipurpose schools : offer careers of more than one of the schools listed above .
It also distinguishes special arrangements for primary and secondary education, such as adult education and special education (differential education) .
Compulsory education only covered 8 years of primary school , but since May 2003 the constitutional reform Ricardo Lagos government established free and compulsory education in secondary education for young people up to 18 years, putting the state 's responsibility to ensure compliance with the law . Thus compulsory education was increased to 13 years , an unprecedented event in Latin America to date. In 2008 LGE ( Ley General de Educación ) , which is currently pending, provides 14 years of free and compulsory education .
The coverage of the education system is almost universal , as in most developed countries , resulting in enrollment rates that represent this reality . The enrollment rate in primary education is 99.7 % of children between 6 and 14 years, while in secondary education is 87.7 % of adolescents 15-18 years.
Access to higher education
Students can choose from 25 universities in 50 states and private universities , which are increasingly growing more .
There is a single, well- transparent admission system for all state universities and several of the oldest private universities that comprise the so-called Consejo de Rectores . The system, called PSU ( Prueba de Selección Universitaria ) , is very similar to the SAT Reasoning Test in the United States . The creation and correction of tests is taken from the Universidad de Chile , while the system itself is administered by the Ministry of Education ( Ministerio de Educación ) .
The test consists of two required exams , mathematics and language , and several other specific tests such as chemistry, physics , biology , history , etc. , depending on what career you want to follow the student . The middle school grades are also taken into account in exam results . Each university gives different weights to the results of various examinations .
There is a big difference in the notes of PSU students among the poorest , most educated in public schools , and the richest students , especially those who have studied in private school , and with that poorer students have very less chances of joining the best universities requiring a high note . The most talented poor students , those who achieve a high score in PSU , can get a scholarship of up to 100 % by the government and several universities also have their own scholarship programs to help poor students , although resources are insufficient . Students who achieve high grades enough to go to public universities or private prestigious university, there is a system of government to make loans through various banks , but the amount and terms of credit does not necessarily meet the needs of students .
According to the media and official statistics , in 2006 a total of 241,390 students took the PSU .
college education
Higher education is distinguished in three types of establishments , created by the reform of higher education in 1981 , for which students choose to follow their studies after secondary education
( CFT ) Service Centers Formacíon with duration of 2 years and may issue the title of top-level technician ;
( IP ) Institutes Profesionales , may issue bonds for higher-level technical and professional qualifications in occupations that do not require academic undergraduate degree .
(U ) universities that can deliver all the professional titles and academic degrees of Bachelor, Master and douturado .
Instituciones higher Educación de las Armed Fuerza y Orden were recently incorporated , and can deliver through its educational institutions titles and academic degrees , being part of institutions of higher education .
Who enters the sueprior university education can choose from : traditional universities or private institutions receiving aid from the state and self -financing . 25 are grouped in traditional institutions of Consejo de las Rectores Chilean Universities and includes the major institutions of higher education in the country . The ingreso them is done through a system seleçõa national level , made Prueba de Selección by Universitaria ( PSU ) . Nevertheless scores on the PSU is not enough for a student to enter and remain in college , since lately there had students who entered the traditional universities but had to leave because of financial troubles , as the funding given by the state to these students do not is the total value , the student must pay the difference . There are also private universities that are self-financed .
The coverage of higher education in Chile has doubled since 1990 , showing a level of enrollment of 47.2 % among people who are between 19 and 24.
Since 2004 began a process of assessing the quality of higher education through the National Commission of Accreditation of Pregrado ( CNAP ) . Law No. 20,129 20063 established a national system of quality assessment in higher education ( CFT , IP and universities ) the responsibility of the National Commission of Accreditation ( CNA -Chile ) . Its main objectives are institutional assessment and evaluation of careers and higher education programs .
Coverage and Quality
The Chilean education is one of the best in Latin America according to international studies .
According to the United PISA 2006 , Chilean students have achieved the highest score of the Latin American countries in science test , with 438 points , also having the lowest number of students in the lower levels of performance in this area . The same score was acquired in reading , achieving the best result in every country in the ranking. In mathematics was second in Latin America with 411 points , behind only Uruguay with 427 points .
At the university level, Chile has two universities among the best in Latin America . According to the 2008 rankings published in the supplement " Higher Education Supplement " ( THES ) of the British newspaper The Times , the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile was ranked 239 th place , and aUniversidad of Chile in 312th place , being overtaken by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México , University of São Paulo and the State University of Campinas .
Another international classification known worldwide is produced by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China . In the classification made ​​in 2007 the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the Universidad de Chile ranked among the top 500 universities in the world , being overtaken by the British newspaper the same universities , and two Brazilian universities : the University of Campinas and the Federal University of Rio January .

 Go to top ↑
 Go to top ↑ Universidad de Chile
 Go to top ↑ Ley N ° 20.129 , 2006
 Go to top ↑ PISA 2006 . Programme for International Evaluación de la de la Alumnos OECD .
 Go to top ↑ Higher Education Supplement . The Times .
Go to top ↑ Academic Ranking of World Universities - 2007 .


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