Brazil will best in education that Argentina, Colombia and Peru

Brazil will best in education that Argentina, Colombia and Peru

Brazil will best in education
that Argentina, Colombia and Peru
No Latin American country even come to half of the evaluation program ranking
Luisa Ferreira, the R7

The difference in national average (401) and the Colombian nation, led by Juan Manuel Santos, is minimal - just two points. Regarding Argentina, the difference is higher, reaching five points. The "brothers" have an average of 396 in the note to your network ensino.Além to have assumed a prominent position in the Latin American policy, Brazil went ahead of several neighbors in terms of education. The Brazilian educational system received in Pisa (Programme International Student Assessment) score better than the four Latin American countries - Argentina, Peru, Colombia and Panama.

In 2000, Argentina boasted the same mean that Brazil presented this year but in the last decade the neighboring country had worsened in education. Peru is the country that had the worst grade in the entire South American continent. Students that country managed to achieve only 368 points, which left him in 63rd position - Ten behind Brazil, which reached 53 in the overall ranking of Pisa.

You can still improve

Even ahead of important neighbors, Brazil lags behind other three Latin American countries in terms of education: Chile, Uruguay and Mexico. The difference between the note of the Brazilian and Mexican schools is 19 points.

In all, 470,000 students were tested by Pisa - about 20 000 students made the assessment in Brazil. One must consider, however, the difference in size of the Latin American countries, which can influence the resolution of educational problems, in the opinion of experts.

The solution of Brazilian problems is complicated. Brazil has ten times more inhabitants than Chile, for example, the best placed in Latin America - the nation's schools were 38 points ahead of the Brazilian educational system. Uruguay has performed worse than Chile; still got 26 points more than Brazil.

The minister of Education, Fernando Haddad, said the fact that all the countries that are ahead of Brazil, including Chile, have "per capita income higher than the Brazilian."

- Even Argentina, which has a per capita income well above the Brazilian, stood behind Brazil in terms of education. Yet the Brazil overcame Argentina [in education] in the decade.

Brazil is the third among the most improved their average education in a decade, between 2000 and 2009. Good results, however, failed to make the Latin American countries even reached the half of the rankings.

The note of Latin American (402 points) was 94 points below the average of 64 countries evaluated by ranking the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), an entity that calculates the Pisa and is formed mostly by developed countries (such as USA, Germany, Austria and Japan).

Understand Pisa

In order to produce information on education in the countries, the Pisa is an international program that assesses 15-year, age of completion of compulsory education in most nations.
The program evaluates three subject areas: reading, mathematics and science. Students showed that read better, do accounts or solve chemical problems. While the average in Portuguese and reading was 412 in Brazil, in mathematics the country had 386 points, 26 less.

The research uses the IRT (Item Response Theory), one issues of technology that ensures the comparison of the evidence. It is the same formula used in Enem (National Secondary Education Examination).


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