Brazil has the lowest average years of studies in South America , says UNDP

Brazil has the lowest average years of studies in South America , says UNDP

Brazil has the lowest average years of studies in South America , says UNDP
Adult studies on average 7.2 years ; MEC denies and says that average is 7.4 .
UN released data from the Human Development Index on Thursday.

Mean education in Brazil , one of the educational criteria that the United Nations Program for Development ( UNDP) takes into account in the preparation of the Human Development Index ( HDI) is 7.2 years , according to data released Thursday Wednesday ( 14 ) by the body . She remained stagnant in Brazil between 2011 and 2013 .

The number is the smallest side of the Suriname , among the countries of South America
The Ministry of Education disputes the data from UN body . In a statement, says that the survey data are outdated and that the IBGE 2011 revealed that the average education in the country is 7.4 years. If considered this index , Brazil would be ahead of Colombia and Suriname in South America 's highest average education in the world is the United States : 13.3 years . According to the Minister of Education , Mercadante , the Brazilian government will ask the UN to review the data.

Government will ask the UN review of the data of education in Brazil UNDP
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The UNDP study also showed an increased rate of expected years of schooling for Brazil: in 2011 , it was 13.8 and now rose to 14.2 . The average adult literacy in Brazil is 90.3% , according to the study , and nearly half of the population above 25 years ( 49.5 % ) have at least high school . The school dropout rate in primary education in the country , according to the study , is 24.3 % .
The study highlighted the increased investment in education and further highlights the program of scholarship from Brazil and literacy campaigns .

Source : UNDP / UN
Daniela Costa Pinto , UNDP development analyst , says that Brazil " has a historical liabilities in education before the 90s had a fledgling education system that did not meet . HDI tends to improve when more young people turn the population adult " . About the divergence data , she states : " The purpose of the report is the comparison between countries Countries have different database , some more updated than others We methodological choices difficult to compare countries and give an overview of what happens in the world . . " .
HDI 2013, Brazil fell one position and was in 85th place in a list of 185 countries . The Brazilian index, however, rose from 0.718 to 0.730 and continues in the category " high human development " . The HDI is measured on a scale from 0 to 1 and takes into account data on health, education and quality of life , including income. The country that tops the list is Norway , with an HDI of 0.955 .

* Latin American country best placed
MEC says that data are lagged
The table indicates that educational HDI country data refer to 2010 ( for average schooling ) or the latest information . A statement from the Ministry of Education stated that " the data used in the calculation are lagged to Brazil and differentiated between countries " and " have severe distortions due to the data used " in government calculations .
In Brazil , according to the MEC , the data on the average years of schooling are for 2005 , but data from the IBGE 2011 cited by the ministry show " a value of 7.4 years for the population of 25 years or more."
Also according to the press release , data used by the UNDP regarding the expected years of schooling do not take into account the 5 year olds enrolled in preschool , as well as enrolled in literacy classes . " That is, are disregarded in calculating about 4.6 million enrollments of Brazilian children ," says MEC .
Calculations by the government , considering these numbers , " the correct value of expected years of schooling for Brazil would be 16.7 " .
Two important indicators of the size education, average years of schooling and Expected years of schooling , have severe distortions due to the data used in their calculations .


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