


The Distance Learning ( ODL ) has been growing strongly in Brazil and worldwide. In 2011 , according to the Census of Higher Education, 6.7 million Brazilian university students , 14.7 % were enrolled in distance learning courses . Already in Canada , a pioneer in distance education massification country 's 32 million citizens have at their disposal 56 universities , 53 of which offer distance learning courses.
Educational institutions found in this type of education the possibility of expanding its borders , offering as well as 100 % distance courses , online courses in classroom courses as a way to enrich the curriculum and contribute to the autonomy of students in acquiring knowledge.
There are several benefits associated with the EAD , as time flexibility , savings in transportation to the study site , multimedia learning , moderating their pace of study , interaction with people from cultures differences and work experience , and the opportunity to study from new methodologies and technologies . However , so that the experience is positive, it is important that three relevant aspects are evaluated: the accreditation of the institution by the MEC , the methodology applied , the associated interaction capabilities and the role of teachers and tutors in the learning process , as well as virtual environment and available resources .
" Distance education has allowed expanding the provision of education to people who previously could not study in person for various reasons . In addition , new technologies have forced us to EAD rethink our own practices in classroom education , generating a wave of educational innovation , "says the specialist in distance education , prof . John Mattar .
New technologies have contributed significantly to the creation of new communication tools and information within the distance mode . However , according to Janes Fidelis Tomelin , academic director of Distance Education Anhembi Morumbi , you need to pay attention to how these technologies are used . " If we use new technologies in a instructional methodology , continue reproducing the conventional models of education. Therefore , in Anhembi Morumbi , use technological tools to support the methodology , which is supported by three pillars : Individualized Learning ; Mediated Learning and Cooperative Learning "he says.
The Individualized Learning ensures students develop their autonomy and competence of learning to learn . In the case of Mediated Learning , students have the resources available to interact with teachers and tutors . Already on Cooperative Learning can enhance learning from interaction capabilities and socialization of knowledge built in the student community.
To Mattar , can currently be seen that there are several trials occurring in Distance Education , as the incorporation of games , social networks , augmented reality , and mobile learning MOOCS ( Massive Open Online Courses or courses Massive Open Online ) . Even many of these trials also occur in classroom courses . " The main trend in the global education scenario is that , in the near future , distance education and classroom education mingle , creating what is called blended learning , a mix between classroom activities and distance in the academic environment ," says the expert EAD .
EAD IN Anhembi Morumbi
In Anhembi Morumbi , the inclusion of online content in classroom courses began in the 90s , pioneering the segment. And from 2004 , with accreditation from the Ministry of Education mode ( MEC ) , the University began offering courses 100 % online . Since then , students were able to follow the evolution of the Web Unit , virtual channel offering of online courses .
Currently, according to Janes , the major improvements focused on student learning in this virtual environment of Anhembi Morumbi are:
Structuring of disciplines with reference materials and supplementary materials ;
Reorganization of the Virtual Learning Environment from the concept of " Learning Trails " ;
Hiring Teachers Tutors for measurement of educational processes ;
License acquisition Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing for conducting and promoting more collaborative and interactive activities ;
Training of teaching staff and training of technical teams ;
Offering free course for students " Initial Training in ODL " , with the aim of enabling them about the new learning concepts .
Constantly improving and evolving , distance education is increasingly present in the educational landscape worldwide , contributing not only to academic training as well as the construction of key features for the professional future: autonomy and self-discipline.


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