Education and Saber Eclectic

Education and Saber Eclectic

Education and Saber Eclectic
Posted by JoseLuizTeixeiradaSilva in Education.

For a long time the only systematic knowledge of educational institutions was valued by society at large. This landscape has gradually changed with the appreciation of the hidden curriculum that the learner brings to the classroom. This happened mainly due to the transition from traditional teaching, where the teacher was the center of the learning process with classes, exaggerated concern for doing repetitive exercise for the student to memorize the lesson reproducing the knowledge transmitted, without reflection of the content addressed without that the learner internalize the subject as is done in a contextualized, liberating, interactional education. The learner and the teaching being dialogue seeking to build knowledge together.
With the internet, free courses and all other forms of learning knowledge became more democratic and it can happen in many ways, using different learning methods that can be complementary. Nothing prevents a teacher use traditional procedures with progressive procedures, which effectively ends often occurring in the classroom.
The learning may occur in study groups that have common interests, can occur in education distance mode or in person. In order to achieve personal goals, knowledge to make a public tender, a steady job, a better place in career. Learn more and better, with a contextualized methodology, concerned about the environment and social responsibility.
Anyway, learning, diverse knowledge, holistic knowledge (wider), fortification of civility of being the knowledge with humanistic basis should be part of the routine of our learners with guidance prepared and well-paid teachers. Only then will we have a population capable of sustaining the social and economic growth of the country.

Article written by José Luiz Teixeira da Silva, JLTS
Educator, educational psychologist, Specialist in Educational Administration and Supervision, Specialist in Public Law and Professor.


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