Education in Brazil

Education in Brazil

Education in Brazil

Education in Brazil , according to what determines the Federal Constitution and the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education ( LDB ) is managed and organized separately by each level of government. The Federal Government , States , Federal District and municipalities to manage and organize their respective education systems . Each of these public educational systems is responsible for its own maintenance , which manages funds as well as the mechanisms and funding sources . The new constitution reserves 25 % of the state budget and 18 % of federal taxes and municipal taxes for education .
According to the National Household Survey , in 2007 , the literacy rate in Brazil was 90 % of the population , representing 14.1 million illiterates in the country , already functional illiteracy reached 21.6% of the population . Illiteracy is highest in the Northeast , where 19.9 % of the population is analfabeta.4 Also according to the National Household Survey , the percentage of people in the school, in 2007 , was 97 % in the age group of six to fourteen and 82 , 1 % of people between fifteen and seventeen while the average total time of study among those with more than ten years was on average 6.9 years.5 6
Higher education starts with undergraduate or sequential courses , which may offer specialization options in different academic or professional careers . Depending on the choice, students can improve their educational background with postgraduate or graduate studies Sensu Lato .
Brazilian education is regulated by the Federal Government , through the Ministry of Education , which sets out the guiding principles of the organization of educational programs . Local governments are responsible for establishing educational programs and follow state guidelines using funding provided by the Federal Government . Brazilian children must attend school for at least nine years , but the schooling is usually insufficient.
The Brazilian Constitution of 1988 states that " education" is " a right for all , the duty of the State and the family , and is being promoted with the collaboration of society , with the aim of fully developing the full development of human personality and its participation in their work towards the common welfare;
prepare individuals and society to master scientific and technological resources that enable the use of existing possibilities for the common welfare;
advocacy , dissemination and expansion of cultural heritage ;
condemning any unequal treatment resulting from philosophical, political or religious beliefs die , just like any social class or racial prejudices .

2 Organization and structure
2.1 Early childhood education
2.2 Primary school
2.3 Secondary Education
2.4 Higher education
3 Policies and Investment
4 By region
5 Coverage and quality
6 Brazilian students abroad
7 See also
8 References
9 External links
Main article : History of education in Brazil

Symbol of the Society of Jesus.

University Palace , Federal University of Rio de Janeiro , the first institution of higher education in Brazil ( 1792) , besides being the biggest and best federal university of the country .
When the Portuguese explorers discovered Brazil in the fifteenth century and began to colonize their new lands in the New World , they found a territory that was inhabited by various indigenous peoples and tribes who had not developed a writing system nor school education .
The Society of Jesus ( Jesuits ) , was created since its inception in 1540 , with a missionary purpose. Evangelization was one of the main goals of the Jesuits , but the teaching and education were also targets of the Company , both in Europe and abroad. Missionary activities , both in cities and in the countryside, were complemented by a strong commitment to education . This takes the form of opening schools for young boys , first in Europe , but rapidly extended to America and Asia. The foundation of Catholic missions , schools and seminars were another consequence of Jesuit involvement with education . As countries and cultures where the Jesuits were present were very different , their methods of evangelization moved from one place to another . However , the involvement of society in commerce , architecture , science , literature , languages ​​, arts , music and religious debate corresponded , in fact , the same main purpose dacristianização . In the mid-sixteenth century the Jesuits were present in West Africa , South America , Ethiopia, India , China and Japan This extension of missionary activity took shape largely at the height of the Portuguese Empire . A few years after arriving in Brazil , the Portuguese realized that they needed to invest not only in missionary education , but the education of the children of settlers who lived in the country . Thus , in 1564 the Jesuits founded the first school in Brazil , Bahia , directed primarily to the children of Portuguese education.
In a period of history where the world had largely illiterate population of the Portuguese Empire , was home to one of the first universities founded in Europe - the University of Coimbra , which currently remains one of the oldest universities in continuous operation . During Portuguese rule , Brazilian students , mostly graduates from Jesuit missions and seminars , were allowed and even encouraged to join in higher education in Portugal .

College of Law in St. Paul .
By 1700 , reflecting a larger transformation of the Portuguese Empire , the Jesuits had been shifted from the East Indies to Brazil . In the eighteenth century , the Marquis of Pombal attacked the power danobreza privileged and the Church and expelled the Jesuits from Portugal and its overseas departments . Pombal closed the Jesuit schools and educational reforms introduced throughout the Empire . In Brazil , the reforms allowed the emergence of various educational institutions , existing to this day .
A royal letter of November 20, 1800 written by King John VI of Portugal established the Classroom Practice and Figure Drawing , in Rio de Janeiro . Was the first institution in Brazil systematically dedicated to teaching the arts . During colonial times , the arts were mainly of religious or utilitarian nature and were learned in a learning system . A decree of August 12, 1816 created the Royal School of Sciences , Arts and Crafts , which created an official education in the arts and built the foundations of the current National School of Fine Arts .

Federal University of Paraná , one of the oldest institutions of higher education in the country , founded in 1912 .
In the nineteenth century, the Portuguese royal family , headed by D. João VI , arrived in Rio de Janeiro , fleeing from Napoleon's army that invaded Portugal in 1807 . D. João VI gave the impetus to the expansion of European civilization in Brazil . In a short period ( between 1808 and 1810 ) , the Portuguese government founded the Royal Naval College and the Royal Military Academy ( both military schools ) , the National Library , Botanical oJardim of Rio de Janeiro , the School of Medicine of Bahia , and school of Medicine of Rio de Janeiro ( Faculty of Medicine, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro ) .

Many public universities have suffered strikes and work stoppages in recent decades .
Brazil achieved independence in 1822 , and until the twentieth century , was a large rural nation, with low social and economic standards compared to average Americans and Europeans of the time . Its economy was based on the primary sector , having a bigger and less skilled labor force , composed of descendants of Europeans , Indians and slaves or their direct descendants . Among the first law school founded in Brazil , are the Recife and São Paulo in 1827 , but for many decades , most Brazilian lawyers still studying at European universities , such as the former University of Coimbra .
With the massive expansion of the postwar period , which lasts until today , the government of Brazil has focused its investments in higher education and consequently neglected the assistance to primary and secondary education .
Today, Brazil strives to improve public education offered in previous phases and maintain the high standards that the public expects of public universities .
Despite its shortcomings , the Brazil forward substantially since the 1980s . The nation has seen an increase in school enrollment for children aged between seven and fourteen, from 80.9 % in 1980 to 96.4 % in 2000 . At the age of fifteen and seventeen years old this rate increased over the same period , from 49.7% to 83 % .12 The literacy rate rose from 75% to 90% in 2007.3
In 2011 , there was a strike of technicians of the Brazilian federal universities threat beginning of the semester | strike administrative staff in the federal universities , paralyzing many letivos.Organização schedules and structure
Preschool Education
( non- mandatory)
basic education
( compulsory education )
high school
higher education
basic education
high school
- Normal
- Technical
- University degree
( Minimum duration : 4 years )
- Higher Courses brief
( technologist, 2 years)
Brazilian education is divided into three levels , with varying degrees in each division . The Primary school ( the first educational level ) is free for all ( including adults ) , and compulsory for children between the ages of six and fourteen. The middle school is also free , but not required . Higher education ( including graduate ) is free only in public universities .
Early childhood education is the first stage of basic education and its main purpose , according to LDB " the development of the child until the age of six , in respects human body , psychologist , and social intellect , complementing the action of the family and community. " 18 it is offered in kindergartens ( for children three years old ) and preschool (ages four to five years old)
In the stage of early childhood education evaluation is done through a monitoring and record of the development of each student , without the goal of promoting ( even for transition to elementary school ) .
Education based

State College Thales de Azevedo , emSalvador , Bahia .
Primary education is compulsory for children between the ages of six and fourteen. There are nine series at this level of education. Current 1st year largely corresponds to the old pre - school in the past, private institutions , and its goal is to achieve literacy. Generally , the only requirement for enrolling a child in the first year is that she has six years of age, but some educational systems allow children under six years to enroll in the first year . Older students who for some reason have not completed their primary education are allowed to participate, although people over 18 are separated from children.
The Federal Board of Education defines a curriculum consisting of English language , mathematics, history , geography , science, art and physical education ( 1st to 5th year ) . From the 6th year the English and Spanish languages ​​are also added . Some schools also include computer science as a subject .
Each educational system complete this grid with a diversified curriculum defined by the needs of the region and the individual skills of the students .
The elementary school is divided into two phases , termed elementary school ( 1st to 5th years ) and Secondary School ( 6 to 9 years) . During the elementary school each student group is usually assisted by a single teacher . How to Secondary School , there are many teachers as subjects .
The duration of the school year shall be at least 200 days by the Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education . The elementary schools should provide students with at least 800 hours of activities per year. In certain schools the school calendar is set by the seasons of sowing and reaping .
high school

Humboldt College , a private school of Sao Paulo .
Secondary education lasts for three years . The minimum is 2400 hours of tuition over three years. Students must have completed primary education before being allowed to enroll in high school . The high school curriculum comprises Portuguese ( including Portuguese language and Portuguese and Brazilian literature ) , foreign language ( usually English , Spanish and French also today very rarely ) , History , Geography , Mathematics , Physics , Chemistry and Biology . Recently Philosophy and Sociology , which were banned during the military dictatorship (1964-1985) , became mandatory again.
It is possible to have a technical background , together with the basis of high school , through specific courses in several areas . These courses are typically started during the 2nd and 3rd year of high school , or started after the end of those years . These schools generally have a greater number of hours per week. The statement of the full course usually lasts 1 year and a half , depending on the course and teaching modality .
higher education
 Main article : List of higher education institutions in Brazil

City University of USP in Sao Paulo , recently voted the 94th best university in the world.20 21
Secondary education is compulsory for those wishing to pursue university studies . In addition , students must pass an entrance examination for your particular course of study . From 2009 , students began to use the grade from the National High School Exam ( ESMS ) to join in some universities.
The number of applicants per vacancy in university can be more than 30 or 40 to one of the most competitive courses in public universities . In some courses with small number of places available , this number can be as high as 200 .

University Palace , Federal University of Rio de Janeiro .
Higher education in Brazil , as in many nations , can be divided into both undergraduate and graduate work.
The Brazilian standard for the undergraduate degree , or " bachelor " is attributed , in most areas of the arts , humanities , social sciences , exact sciences , or natural sciences and normally requires four years of post-secondary study at an approved university . Grades five years leading to a professional diploma are awarded in choosing careers regulated as aarquitetura , engineering , veterinary medicine , psychology and law . The licensed medical professional requires in turn six years of post-secondary studies . Residence and five years of probation in a teaching hospital . Although not mandatory, the stage is pursued by many professionals , especially those who wish to specialize in a particular area .

Classroom Basic Cycle I daUnicamp , in Campinas , São Paulo .
Students who hold a four-year bachelor's degree or a professional degree five years are eligible for admission to the PhD program (postgraduate ) . Masters degree is usually awarded after completion of a two-year program requiring satisfactory performance in a minimum number of advanced courses ( typically between five and eight classes ) , plus the presentation by the candidate of the master's degree, a thesis that is analyzed by an oral panel of at least three faculty members , including at least one examiner externo.Doutorado in return usually requires four years of study , during which the candidate is required to complete the undergraduate degree more advanced courses , pass a doctoral qualifying examination , and present an extensive doctoral dissertation ( doctoral thesis ) , which should represent a unique and important contribution to the current knowledge in the field of study to which belongs the topic of the dissertation . The doctoral dissertation is examined in a public final oral examination administered by a panel of at least five faculty members , two of whom shall be external examiners .
Policies and investment
In 2005 investment in education in the country amounted to 3.9% of GDP in 2006 rose to 4.3% in 2007 to 4.5 % in 2008 4.7% and in 2009 to 5 % .
In 2007 enacted a law setting goal of 90 % approval in universities , combined with expansion of places in higher education . The goals are not consensus concerned about the quality of teacher education , and studies about pointing flaws in the implementation of this measure . On 10 August 2009 the government publicly admitted insufficient to implement the program budget forecast . Some of the consequences are the workload of teachers , absorbing the increase in enrollment , and the consequent impairment of the quality of higher education .
by region
As a large middle-income country , Brazil still has several underdeveloped regions . Its education system is in compliance and many deficiencies plagued by regional and racial disparities .
Illiteracy is highest in the Northeast , where 19.9 % of the population is illiterate ( PNAD , 2007 ) .
Index of Basic Education Development (2009 ) by region
Initial years of
Elementary Education
Final years of
Elementary Education
High School

Coverage and quality

The literacy rate in Brazil is 90 % for the population over fifteen years , but that means 14.1 million illiterates .
Another major problem in Brazilian education today - the public schools in general, especially in elementary and secondary education - is violence and bullying , which is criticized mainly responsible for students who are concerned about safety . The shortage of teachers in public schools because of this problem makes teachers are hired without much experience .
The Brazilian system of public education was the worst placed in a study sponsored by the World Bank about the conditions of the main emerging countries to integrate into the so-called " knowledge society" , more advanced stage of capitalism . [ Citation needed ] On 26 October 2006 , UNESCO published the annual " Education for All " has placed the country in the 72 th position in a ranking of 125 countries . With the current rate of development , the country would reach the present quality of the most advanced countries in 2036 stage .
Studies of the Getulio Vargas Foundation claim that 35 % of Brazilian social inequalities can be explained by inequality in education
According to the National Household Survey in 2008 , the literacy rate in the country is 90 % of the population over fifteen years. The index goes to 96 % among children under fifteen . The literacy rate is maintained when compared to 2007, which had 90 % of the population , which corresponded to 14.1 million illiterates in the country. Have functional illiteracy in 2007 reached 21.6% of the population . According to the National Household Survey , the percentage of people in the school, in 2007 , was 97 % in the age group six to fourteen years and 82.1 % among persons fifteen to seventeen. The total time study between those who have more than ten years was on average 6.9 years ( in the U.S. is twelve years, eleven in South Korea and Argentina eight years of education) .29 The complete high school the country reaches only 22 % of the population ( 55 % in Argentina and 82 % in South Korea ) .29 the index of education ( 2009) from Brazil is 0.891 ( 67 of 179 ) .
Studies on the quality of secondary education perceive students with fifteen years of diverse countries . In an OECD study from 2007, Brazil ranked 52nd among 57 countries . The same study showed the country in 53th position in mathematics ( from 57 countries ) , and 48th in reading ( from 56 ) . In 2010 , the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA ) conducted in 2009 showed Brazil in the 53rd position among 65 countries . The evaluation issues of literature , mathematics and science has shown that almost half of Brazilian students do not reach basic reading level . Even economically rich regions pose problems , as the state of São Paulo , which failed to even surpass the national average in any of the evaluated areas - science, reading and mathematics .
A study of NGO All for Education in 2013 , showed that after the completion of high school , only 10 % of youngsters learned math, and only 29 % learned Portuguese .

From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia .


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