Brazilian teaching is one of the lowest paid in the world

Brazilian teaching is one of the lowest paid in the world

Brazilian teaching is one of the lowest paid in the world

A curious fact which reveals how the Brazilian government cares little for the lives and work of the education professional: unlike other countries, here there is no official study about the average teacher salary of basic education.
Every year is held the Educacenso in Brazil, a school-sense which seeks to register the profile of vocational education, namely the level of their training, in how many schools he teaches, etc. But it seems that things like wages, purchasing power, expendable supplies, the MEC did not want to know ...
Maybe because if you did, its bureaucrats would flushed with embarrassment. According to the website of Udemoe based on data from PNAD (National Sample Household Survey) and the 2010 Goals - Proposition and Evaluation of Social Policies at the request of UOL, "a Brazilian teacher of elementary 2 (6 to 9 years) gained in average $ 16,300 per year in 2009. Meanwhile, on average, a professional with training and experience equivalent time received $ 41 700 in OECD countries "(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development data Education at a Glance 2012).
Low wages are a problem in itself, because it complicates the lives of teachers, compel us to act in several schools, no time to prepare classes or continuing education, but has even worse consequences, makes teaching an unattractive career for young university, besides making good professionals already trained and experienced swapping profession.
Besides this difference in salaries between teachers in Brazil and abroad, there is also a glaring gap between the teaching professionals and professionals from other areas within the country. Calculations by the consulting Goals published in Udemo,
"The average salary for a public school teacher with a college degree and with at least 15 years experience (US $ 15 400) does not quite half (48.5%) of the compensation of other professionals ($ 31 , 7000) in Brazil (...) [in addition], in comparison with OECD countries, Brazil is among those with lower annual investment per student group, the third being that invests less per student in pre-school (US $ 1.696) and secondary (US $ 2.235) and placed fourth in the primary (US $ 2.405) "
Given these data, what our politicians were considering to do to stop the shameful paradox of being the world's sixth largest economy, while simultaneously boast a shameful placement in levels of education? For now, nothing. To get an idea, the National Plan for Education (PNE) with the goals of the Brazilian education for 2011-2020 period, which is the 17th of 20 proposals to increase the income level of the teacher to the other professionals of equivalent education, is still waged in Congress two years late, with no provision to be implemented.
It is not easy being a teacher. In Brazil so it's almost crazy. The reflection of that is there, all around us, every day. A country whose people are poorly trained, poorly educated, without critical thinking, easy prey to what's most reactionary, elitist and conservative in our society, with unmotivated teachers and no means to work and help change this picture.


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