Understanding Asperger Syndrome

Understanding Asperger Syndrome

Understanding Asperger Syndrome

Child with hands in mouth , looking chateadaCrianças with limited socialization , flowery language for age , repetitive motor acts ( tics ) and very intense interests and limited only by one or a few subjects may be carriers of Asperger syndrome
The first study on the syndrome was made by Austrian psychiatrist and pediatrician Hans Asperger , but remained virtually unknown . International recognition came only in 1994 , when it was first included in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ) , the diagnostic manual of mental disorders and statistics , organized by the American Association of Psychiatry . Because it is a recently described condition , there are no reliable data on the incidence .
From 2013 , Asperger's syndrome ceases to have that name and shall be classified in the DSM as a mild form of autism - a recommendation to be adopted worldwide . Unlike classic autism , however, who has Asperger presents no intellectual impairment and cognitive retardation. So the early signs and symptoms of the disorder tend to be ignored by parents who attribute the characteristics of the child's personality .
" Many patients with the syndrome have even IQ above normal levels . And the fact that they have highly developed verbal skills , with a broad , diverse and recherché vocabulary reinforces the idea of ​​parents that their children are gifted ," says Walkiria Boschetti , neuropsychologist Einstein . The exaggerated focus on a specific issue - such as cars , airplanes or robots , for example - is another characteristic symptom of the syndrome inappropriately interpreted by parents and family , who end up encouraging the limited interests of these children , offering only gifts related to the topic .

The signs and symptoms of Asperger's syndrome may appear early in a child's life , but are rarely valued by parents as something negative , especially if the manifestations are mild . The vast majority of diagnoses of Asperger syndrome is taken from the school stage , when the difficulty of socialization , considered the most significant feature of the disorder manifests itself with greater intensity , together with the lack of interest in everything that does not relate to the hyperfocus attention . " What actually draws the attention of parents are the symptoms associated with social isolation , inadequate behaviors or manifestations of anxiety, depression or irritability ," says Sandra Lie Ribeiro do Valle , neuropsychologist hospital .
Usually, the first reports on the problems observed are made to the pediatrician, who may refer the child to medical experts for a deeper and more detailed evaluation . There are no laboratory or imaging tests for confirming the diagnosis . " Today , the main instrument for this purpose are the tests used by neuropsychologists , who through proposals to the child tasks observe and evaluate cognitive and behavioral aspects , such as memory , attention, and social skills," says Dr. Fabio Sato , psychiatrist childhood and adolescence of the Pediatric Specialty Clinic Einstein , institution implementing an extensive and detailed protocol for diagnosis and treatment of this pathology . According to him, Brazil still lacks standardization in the diagnostic approach of this pathology , since tools like AD ( questionnaire used in interviews with parents ) and ADOS ( questionnaire for interviews with children ) have not yet been validated here , although the use is already enshrined in the United States and Europe .
Who has Asperger's syndrome tends to present changes in the assessment of emotion recognition tests and analyzing the ability to infer what others are thinking . "These are people who have extreme difficulty understanding what they think and feel those around them , unless those emotions are explicitly demonstrated and explained to them . They are also inflexible , so cling to rules and fail to act flexibly , according to each situation, " explains Sandra Lie Ribeiro do Valle .
multidisciplinary treatment

Physicians are involved , neuropsychologists , educational psychologists and speech therapists , since individuals have alterations in speech ( prosody errors , for example , when the individual makes the transposition of the tonic accent of a syllable to another ) . " Basically , the therapy is based on transmitting the skills and resources for the demonstrations characteristics , in particular the difficulty in socializing . It should be taken long term , since it is a chronic disorder ," explains Walkiria Boschetti . Medicines are used only to treat symptoms resulting from such manifestations such as anxiety , depression and irritability .
Who has Asperger's and reaches adulthood without diagnosis or proper treatment can face serious difficulties in personal relationships , school and professional life. " Moreover , it is a risk for developing other problems , such as bipolar disorder ," warns Dr. Fabio Sato . Therefore, the earlier and more accurate diagnosis and treatment are , the greater the chances of a child with Asperger's develop healthier behaviors , becoming more sociable , flexible and independent .
How to deal ?

The child with Asperger syndrome can present specific talents . " In general , parents tend to encourage fitness in children who recognize , what we call islands skills . In the case of Asperger's Syndrome , this attitude ends up intensifying the limited interest of the patient , worsening behavioral closure of the individual, making it less flexible to new themes , "explains Iara Pereira Brandão , a pediatric neurologist .
Thinking of aid in the development of multiple capabilities of the child , the doctor listed some important for those who live with a person who presents this Autistic Spectrum Disorder ( ASD ) items .
It is important to get a very good professional interaction between school , family and accompanying the patient to develop social reciprocity of the individual.
Diversify their focus of interest for the patient to give importance to other issues and develop new skills , thereby reducing repetitive and restrictive behaviors .
Stimulate ' talk looking ' , develop a culture of looking directed with communicative intent .
Encourage the child , through training , to recognize and share emotions and facial expressions , as well as seeking Social Skills Training ( SST ) as a possibility for improvement in their social prognosis.
Dialogue ever! This is the most valuable way to develop intelligence of any child , with or without ASD .
Do not criticize the restricted interests of the child have other options and share these deals with the child. Use the preferred interests of the child as a gateway to interact with it .
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Also according to Dr. Iara Pereira , patients with Asperger's syndrome is commonly misunderstood by their peers , not being rare frequent disagreements in interpersonal relationships , leading to social isolation and depressive disorders .
" Aggression , temper tantrums , phobias and other disorders are nonspecific and reactive manifestations that may be present in these patients , hence the importance of early diagnosis in order to minimize significant adaptive dysfunctions ," says child neurologist .


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