


Disorder that affects approximately 5 % of the population , disrupts reading and writing . Some behaviors that indicate the child is dyslexic

Mariana Janjacomo
Children in school
Dyslexia : not curable , but is treatable ( Brazil Agency )
Children with learning difficulties at school can be viewed by parents and teachers as disinterested and sloppy . But the red notes may be a sign of dyslexia , a disorder that affects the ability to read and write . The condition affects about 5 % of the population , according to the ABCD Institute , social organization aimed at young people with dyslexia and other learning problems .
There is no cure for dyslexia , which is manifested by genetic inheritance and is unrelated to psychological disorders . The treatment , done with speech therapists , psychologists and educational psychologists , usually to ensure a normal life with the disorder . " Reading and writing will require constant effort , but the child can follow their school life without any problems ," says Carolina Piza , neuropsychologist and researcher at the Center for Interdisciplinary Child Care , Federal University of São Paulo ( UNIFESP) . " The intellectual development and communication skills are not affected . "


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