Lev Vygotsky Semenovitch
Lev Vygotsky Semenovitch
Lev Vygotsky Semenovitch born in 1896 in Orsha , a small town near Minsk , the capital of Belarus , the region was dominated by Russia ( and that only became independent in 1991 , with the disintegration of the Soviet Union , adopting the name Belarus ) . His parents were a cultured Jewish family and good economic conditions , which allowed Vygotsky solid training since childhood . He had a private tutor to enter high school and devoted himself early to many readings . At 18, he enrolled in medical school in Moscow , but eventually attending law school . Formed , returned to Gomel , in Belarus , in 1917 , the year of the Bolshevik Revolution , which he supported . He taught literature , aesthetics and art history and founded a psychological laboratory - area in which rapidly gained prominence thanks to his encyclopedic culture , his innovative thinking and his intense activity , having produced more than 200 scientific papers . In 1925 , already suffering from the tuberculosis that would kill him in 1934 , he published The Psychology of Art , a study of Hamlet , William Shakespeare , whose origin is his master's thesis .
The Belarusian psychologist Lev Vygotsky died 74 years ago , but his work is still in the process of discovery and debate on various points of the world , including Brazil . " He was a complex thinker and touched on many sore points of contemporary pedagogy ," says Teresa Rego , Professor , Faculty of Education, University of São Paulo . She points out , for example, the points of contact between the studies on Vygotsky written language and the work of Argentinian Emilia Ferreiro , the most influential educators of living .
The most famous part of the extensive work produced by Vygotsky in his short life converges to the theme of the creation of culture . Educators interested in particular studies on intellectual development . Vygotsky attributed a predominant social relations role in this process , so that the educational chain that originated from his thinking is called social constructivism or sociointeracionismo .
Expansion of mental horizons
Like Piaget , Vygotsky formulated a pedagogical theory , although the thought of Belarusian psychologist, with its emphasis on learning , emphasize the importance of the school in the formation of knowledge. For him, the pedagogical intervention causes advances that would not occur spontaneously. In formulating the concept of proximal zone , Vygotsky showed that good teaching is one that encourages the child to reach a level of understanding and skill not yet mastered completely , " pulling " her new knowledge . "Teaching what the child already knows discourages students and go beyond your ability is useless," says Teresa Rego . The psychologist also considered that all learning broadens the mental universe of the student. The teaching of new content is not limited to the acquisition of a skill or a set of information , but expands the child's cognitive structures . Thus, for example , with the mastery of writing , students also acquire skills of reflection and control of own psychological functioning .
The role of adult
All learning is necessarily mediated - and this makes the role of education and more active and decisive than predicted by Piaget and other educational thinkers teacher , who is the school facilitate a process that can only be driven by the student . According to Vygotsky , unlike the child's first contact with new activities , skills or information must be attended by an adult . To internalize a procedure , the child " appropriates " it, making it voluntary and independent .
Thus , the learning is not totally subordinated to the development of intellectual structures of the child , but one feeds the other , causing drastic level of knowledge . Teaching , for Vygotsky , must anticipate what the student still does not know nor is able to learn alone, because the relationship between learning and development , the first comes before . Is that what you mean one of its main concepts, the zone of proximal development , which would be the distance between the actual development of a child and what it has the potential to learn - that potential is demonstrated by the ability to develop competence with the help of an adult. In other words , the zone of proximal development is the path between what the child can do alone and what she's getting close to do alone . To identify these two capabilities and work the route of each student between the two are the two main skills that a teacher must have , according to Vygotsky .
to think
Vygotsky attributed much importance to the role of the teacher as booster mental development of children. The idea for further development as a higher learning does not mean, however , that one must submit an encyclopedic amount of content to students. The important thing , for the thinker , is to present children ways of thinking , not before detect conditions that they have to absorb them . And you ? Ever thought of working out criteria for assessing the skills that their students already have and those that they can purchase ? Realize that certain activities encourage children to think in a new way and others do not arouse the same enthusiasm ?
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