Child labor today

Child labor today

Child labor today

Child labor was not buried in the past. You can still find many children living on this illegal regime. Check out more details!

Did you know that life and childhood of many children is not easy! Let us know what life was like for children of old? Does so much has changed you?
In the past, the daily life could be very similar to the lives of children today in many ways how to play, to eat, to learn, but it is very different from the lives of children of the past.
In the past, adults were enslaved, or working for others without pay; were not free; lived under the supervision and custody, not to flee. And with the kids this was no different! When completed 8 years old, were under the care of his parents and had to work.

By the twentieth century, about the year 1960, the children of the poorest people worked to help support the family, even at the most dangerous risks. At that time, there was no laws prohibiting child labor and many children worked in factories, and fairs in the streets and earned an insignificant amount.
In Brazil, currently, there are laws prohibiting child labor, because children should be in school, to learn and prepare for a profession in the future. That would be ideal, the right, but we know that we live in a very different reality.
Rights and duties of children

As we have seen child labor is prohibited by law in our country, but this is not respected! Not all children attend school and have their rights guaranteed. In several regions of our country, there are children engaged in different forms of work with very low wages and are often even enslaved. They do not have the slightest choice and spend all their time working without playing, studying and have fun as they should.
You yourself may have seen on several occasions, children, like you, selling candies, chocolates in the headlights of streets or avenues. This is a sad reality!
In poorer regions and total poverty, children do dangerous and heavy work, make time for an adult and receive very little for the work.
This situation is experienced in our country and throughout the world. This is a situation that needs to be changed, as a child needs care, need to study, play, eat with dignity and responsibility as help with homework, make school lessons, learn to be supportive, and above all, to be child.


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