Contextual education: a strategy of coexistence with the semiarid contextual education Gleiceani Nogueira - ASACom

Contextual education: a strategy of coexistence with the semiarid contextual education Gleiceani Nogueira - ASACom

Contextual education: a strategy of coexistence with the semiarid
contextual education
Gleiceani Nogueira - ASACom

According to the situation report of Childhood and Adolescence Brazilian 2009 - The Right to Learn, the United Nations Fund for Children (UNICEF), the semiarid region is the region with the greatest difficulty in the educational development of children and youth. According to the study, this region has half the population of illiterates over 15 years and has high rates of truancy.
One factor that takes students from rural residents to flee the area studies is the lack of interest in school, whose curriculum does not take into account the reality of the students. Unlike many teaching units contribute to the construction of the image of Semiarid as a place of backwardness and lack of opportunities.
"What formal education do today mostly? Tell the children that if they want to succeed, they must leave the semiarid region. That if they want to be happy, do not be like their parents, who remained in semiarid and today are nothing. Ie, education in schools is a tool to destroy the self-esteem of children and somehow force a migration process. Exit Semiarid would be the ideal solution, "contextualizes the coordinator of the Joint Semi-Arid Region (ASA), Naidison Baptista.
To change this situation, Baptista believes that the solution lies in contextual education for coexistence with the semiarid region. It happened in the city Riachão Jacuípe in Bahia. The truancy and the rural exodus were the main problems reported by schools in the region. With the arrival of Project CAT (Meet, Analyze and Transform), which works with an educational proposal that values ​​the reality of the community, the students returned to school.

Students from a public school in Riachão Jacuípe-BA knowing the sources of water in the community
"The school was not as attractive to the child field. With the arrival of the [project] CAT, the first improvement was the question [of reduction] of the rural exodus and school dropout. The [improving] the student's self-esteem, how to present it in public, is another breakthrough. The student who comes from CAT finds it easier to talk, to interpret the problems, it is easier than the one that came from traditional education, "says project coordinator, Conceição Simões.
According to the executive secretary of the Network of Educators of the Semi-Arid Region (RESAB), Vera Carneiro currently 1,560 schools Semiarid work with the proposed contextual education, benefiting 28,000 children and adolescents.
"A contextualized education for schools of the Brazilian semiarid region is one that has a curriculum that works elements of the context in which children and their families live. For example, if a community families do not have access to water, or has access to a contaminated water, teachers will seek to discuss in some disciplines, this context. So the school instead of working the contents so far from the reality of students, brings reality into the classroom, "explains Vera Carneiro.
The Law of Directives and Bases of Education (LDB) provides that educational institutions adapt curricula and methodologies applied to the real needs and interests of students and the peculiarities of the region. Ie study-related content Semiarid is a right of students who live in this region. This law has existed for over 12 years, however, few schools work this way.
To Vera Carneiro, lack of political will and investment to expand this work in the municipalities of semiarid. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of training teachers. "Need a specific training because often universities do not prepare [teachers] to this. Need to have and need to have investment of public resources for continuous training of teachers, "says a representative of RESAB.
The contextual education is one of the seven themes of the workshops that will be held in the VII National Meeting of the Joint Semi-Arid Region (EnconASA), scheduled to take place between 22 and 26 March in Juazeiro, Bahia. Besides the workshop, participants will visit two experiences on the theme developed in the municipalities of Juazeiro and Curaça.
For the coordinator of ASA, discuss the issue of contextual education in EnconASA will be important for organizations that do not work with this theme know successful experiences and start to incorporate it in their dynamics and already doing this work, may enlarge it and discuss it with the government.
"We assess that this is a very important work that they do in communities complementation. There, we discussed the contextual education, respect for culture, agroecology, etc. Furthermore, the school often discussion it backwards. Then the child arrives at school and finds an environment, comes home, and it is quite another thing. The child does not grow in a quiet process. We need to make school an ally to the development of semiarid process. That is why, with very hit and eager, we want to put in context the debate on education for EnconASA politically designing our experiences in this area, "said Naidison.
Check out the two experiences contextualized education that will be visited in EnconASA:
Education projects with Foot in the Wilderness and Pedagogical Horta value coexistence with the semiarid - Curaçá - Bahia
Rural school Massaroca: a contextualized educational practice in Bahian backlands - Juazeiro - Bahia


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