Contextualized education for children and adolescents

Contextualized education for children and adolescents

Contextualized education for children and adolescents


Learn about the trees, the fruits and the rivers of the Amazon on a school trip. Know more tribes, indigenous languages ​​and customs. Know how many there are in Pará Quilombo and how it all started. Studying side of the house is in the countryside, without having to walk or travel miles to the school.

This new way of teaching is called contextual education, an adaptation of the school to the geographic space, culture, identity and specificity in children and adolescents living content. It aims to prepare students for life so that they know, in great detail, the context in which they were born or live.

For the professor of the Institute of Educational Sciences of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) and coordinator of the program Educamazônia, Solomon Hage, contextualized education can be worked in the Amazon from "the heterogeneity of environments, ecosystems, production practices, socio aspects cultural and also the complexity, the coexistence of conflicts and differences. "

The method of contextualizing education to the environment in which the student lives came in 1996, with the reform of secondary education from the Law of Directives and Bases of Education (LDB). The application of the new model is defined in the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN), which are guidance for school teachers and guides.

The idea of ​​contextualization requires the intervention of the student throughout the learning process, making connections between knowledge. According to Ministry of Education (MEC), the proposal is that the student is not a spectator, an accumulator of knowledge, but a transformative agent itself and the world.

According to the Educamazônia educator, Cynthia Damasceno program, contextual education still needs to overcome obstacles to full effect in the curricula of all schools, especially the public. "We observed that teacher education is still poor, schools often lack structure, forming multiseriate classes, which hamper learning," he says.


Proposed new schedule, series and curriculum can be revised and re-purposed for teaching. "The government will encourage research, experiments and new proposals on the calendar, grading, curriculum, methodology, teaching and assessment, with a view to the inclusion of children and adolescents excluded from compulsory elementary school," so says Article 57 of the Law of law number 8069, the Statute of Children and Adolescents.

In classrooms, teachers must respect "the cultural, artistic and historical values ​​of the social context of children and adolescents, guaranteeing them the freedom of creation and access to sources of culture," says Article 58.

The Law of Directives and Bases of Education (LDB), Law 9394/96 which defines 11 principles on which education should be based. Among them is "the freedom to learn, teach, research, and culture, thought, art and knowledge" regional (Art. 03).

Article 26 of the LDB is determined that the middle and high school should have a national common basic curriculum in all regions. However, this base will include in each region, a complement to the "Regional and local society, culture, economics and customer characteristics".


1) In the county in which you live there contextualized experiences of education?

2) Where and how are they applied?

3) Teachers are trained to teach students in accordance with the context in which they live?

more information

To learn more about the contextual education, visit the website of the Ministry of Education in the area of ​​"Education of the field and the ethnic and racial diversity." There, you will find information about maroon education, indigenous and field:


To learn about the contextual education in your county, you can search the municipal board of education and ask whether there are initiatives in the area.

You can also contact the Department of Continuing Education, Literacy and Diversity (SECAD) the Secretary of State for Education (SEDUC). Phones for information about the contextual education programs conducted by the state of Pará is (91) 3211 5107/5116/5161.

Also interview teachers and educators to know what they think about the topic and how it is being developed in the city.

A good source is the Educamazônia Program, an initiative of government institutions and civil society who try to broaden the discussion about education in the field and the need for targeted public policies for this theme. Contact: (91) 3264- 0829 or


Spend a day in a school of their municipality to work with contextual education. Take the opportunity to interview the students of the school. See what they think about the contents that are related to their lives and how it has contributed to learning.


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