Hatred comes to children: why this pleasure of mingling with anger?

Hatred comes to children: why this pleasure of mingling with anger?

Hatred comes to children: why this pleasure of mingling with anger?

Rising tide of hatred in Brazil already reaches children. Mothers and fathers use their own children to propagandize intolerance, hatred and discrimination. How will and how will these boys and these girls in the near future?

An abject video was posted on YouTube [video below]. The victim is the boy João Hélio, only five years, which had its image exposed by the mother. In the scenes, it is stimulated by it to say that the former president Lula cut the little finger when worker, so he could steal the Brazilian people.
According to the Statute of Children and Adolescents, the mother's attitude sets a crime. Says the article five of the ECA that "no child or adolescent will be subject to any form of negligence, discrimination, exploitation, violence, cruelty and oppression, punished according to the law any attack, by act or omission, of their fundamental rights."
In the pictures, John Helium is used and exploited by the mother to voice a political intolerance that is it - and not his. After all, five years old, a child is still considered incapable.

Accompanied by a Ninja Media photographer, a journalist from ImprenÇa Portal accompanied the children look at the issue of impeachment last Sunday, 3/15, in the São Paulo Avenue. The content collected is staggering and proves hatred and intolerance planted by parents in the heads of their children.
In an article published in the World Journal Center, Kiko Nogueira also commented on the hate:
Is is creating a new generation fueled by a rhetorical diet that includes calumny, enxovalhamento, demonization and intolerance.
The mother thinks the ugly kid have someone take your ass - unless it's that old disgusting that appears on television or the bearded bastard. In this case, we laugh together. Hahahahaha. You do not need to be a teacher to know that this is not very healthy.
Indoctrination is not only tolerated, but encouraged. No one should be surprised if, after a while, you see a dinosaur Barney doll saying "We will kill petralhas" if you push your belly.
A week before the events of the 15th, the GGN newspaper published a statement by a concerned parent with the child, who was already being affected by the growing tide of hatred that is established in the country. Read the story:
On the last weekend, my companion and I went to the first meeting of the year in public school that my children attend. We could have registered both a private school because we have the resources for that. Even for us would be much easier: we would not have to hire a babysitter, would not have to fill their days with other activities.
Nevertheless, we chose to leave them in the public school that is almost behind the condo where we live, because teachers who teach there have a great dedication, and because of that school, despite all its problems (which are not few) could your students bring forth out good grades in SARESP, and today is one of the best public schools in the state. And besides, attend this school is to have the chance to understand that there is a different world beyond the walls of the condo where we live, and I understand that this is also another school function: expand the size of the world that we have in our heads.
Well: the board and teachers are concerned. More than that, they are truly frightened. The tension between the students has reached worrying levels, they said. Students are more agitated and anxious than ever. Even my son, who was always peace, he hated having to defend itself when necessary, has given us blows colleagues. What retaliate, ensopapando it too. Where did so aggressively? I do not remember it being reported by school personnel a year ago, when my son started to go to school and that was the year immediately following the June days of 2013. What has changed?
The only answer I can see is the election last year, where the media did everything to split the country, imposing the game of "us vs. they "- game in which we were all swallowed up, each in their field, and one side insists to play, even if the invoice has been settled in the 2nd round. Since then, the uninterrupted hatred has been the media tonic. And this, of course, infects people. Besides me, who does not watch the JN all night? And who said that other newspapers tell a different story, nuanced? As my companion, is a limitless bombing every night. I do not know if I even would not have succumbed, if newspaper watched all night. And that, regardless of social class, because the message is passed to those who have pay TV is the same.
On the radio, it's the same. A colleague tells me he only listens to Jovem Pan because she is working out the municipal government continuously, without mercy. Why is this pleasure of smearing of hatred, anger? Detail: this guy will be a father soon! What will he teach his son? Imagine now that transplanted pros parents of children who attend school - not only my son, but also all others. This is good for children? This is good for families? For what happens with this is that nihilism turns out to be instilled in children aged 7, 8 years old. That's what the media want? That children grow up completely unbelievers of the future and become mere consumers rather than citizens?
I've always had, and still have, hope in the present and in the future of Brazil. But with this barrage of hatred, it is increasingly difficult to live the present and build the future. It's amazing that people are not aware that is not built a nation bringing hatred and anger into the house and providing it in large spoonfuls to the children. And in addition to not build the future, lose the gift of love - for all the hate instilarmos in others one day be turned against us. That's what these parents as loving desire? These parents who deliver children increasingly anxious at the gates of schools to learn from small than the other, the different must be crushed? Is that it?
Will I want to live the future that foreshadows this gift?


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