Public school without proof, classes and materials

Public school without proof, classes and materials

Public school without proof, classes and materials
To understand how the public school without proof, classes and courses you need to put aside the traditional view of education works

public school education sao paulo city
Image: Political Pragmatism
To know the Municipal Elementary School (Emef) Amorim Lima, in the west deSão Paul, we must put aside the traditional view of school. Here there is no evidence, students learn mathematics under a tree and the rooms have no desks arranged in rows. In this school, everyone learns at their own pace, shares the experiences with the group and asks for help to the teacher-tutor.
And who explains all this is Maria de Oliveira Victoria, 8, and Thabbata Neves, 9, who receive on the patio to present the school. "Here they do a different project all other schools, so I like it here so. I learn a lot of things, "says Maria Victoria.
The school operates ten years ago as an experimental project in the city of São Paulo and was inspired by the School of Bridge, the Portuguese educator José Pacheco. Among the main objectives of this pedagogical model are the development of intellectual autonomy of students and the exchange of knowledge.
Open door
There is a climate of freedom and informality, with an apparent disorder, throughout the school. Children circulate at all times by the building and the room direction is always open for students who need to ask any help (the case lost the cardboard to the activity room).
"The school I studied before was something else, there was everybody in a row, here is a group, everyone asks, everyone responds," says Thabbata. "You have no proof, the only evidence is the script, here we are practically free, does not get much time in the room, only in class research."
The call class research is the time when students study the contents and doing exercises. They also have play classes, capoeira, theater, dance, Greek and Latin. There are English workshops, text and mathematics. It may not even have proof, but students are assessed in group activities, in script execution process and final activities.
A road map, multiple paths
Earlier this year, each student receives a kit with the textbooks of his series and the scripts that need to follow. These scripts are prepared and bound by the school, it is they who will direct the study and the exercises. Organized by themes - instead of disciplines - they are interdisciplinary and often require the student to search for books of different subjects.
For example, if the theme is World War II, students will have content not only of history but also geography, physics and mathematics.
They all need to be met, but the speed and the way that each student will study the material can be quite different. The pace and process of each is respected.
At the end of each script, students must complete a summary table and do exercises on study content, forming a work file which is called portfolio. Who errs or forget something needs to go back and review content.
The "salons"
Classrooms are different depending on the stage of education. The classes more "traditional" are the 1st and 2nd year of elementary school. In this phase, teachers present the first scripts for students. It is a period of introduction of the pedagogical model and adaptation for the next series.
When the child completes the literacy cycle, it comes into a new class, which brings together students of the 3rd, 4th and 5th years of elementary school. It is the "hall" of the cycle 1. There is another with students from 6th to 9th, or 2 cycle of basic education.
Each of these rooms is great and the students are arranged in groups of up to four people (often of different ages and grades). Each has its own script studies, but the goal is that they can help themselves and solve problems and ask questions to each other. A teacher is available to students to ask questions.
Also read: Families who have decided not to enroll their children in school
In theory, it seems easy, but there are those who do not adapt to the project. "It has parents who do not want at all that the child come over here, they did not like, do not understand," says the director Ana Elisa Siqueira.


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