The influence of Professor Educational Supervisor in Training Faculty. Original series Education Professionals

The influence of Professor Educational Supervisor in Training Faculty. Original series Education Professionals

The influence of Professor Educational Supervisor in Training Faculty.
Original series Education Professionals

The Teacher's Influence Educational Supervisor in Training Faculty.
Professional Supervisory Teacher is one who observes the process and the progress of the teaching and learning of the school. It assesses the performance of the groups under their supervision, especially the form of application of the methodology chosen by teachers to the learning process of these classes.
It is for the teacher supervising the guidance in the pedagogical part of the teaching-learning process by promoting dialogue with teachers to resolve doubts and questions about the pedagogical theories and their importance to teaching, giving options to teachers in the form of transmitting the program content.
When one thinks of the functions of the educational supervisor have to reconcile schedules of teachers with the needs of the courses they are part of and the quantities of classes prescribed in the syllabus of the course or school year. Apply the school regulations, the National Curriculum Parameters, the National Board of Education and the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (LDBEN 9394/96). Prepare lectures, seminars, groups of pedagogical study courses, with the purpose of providing continuing education for teachers. Drawn up in conjunction with other professionals in the school unit and representatives of the students and the community Pedagogical Political Project of the school. Be the mediator between management and the faculty indicating possible solutions to the problems that may arise regarding the learning of classes. Lead the class councils, listening to the representatives of classes on student behavior in teaching practices, listening to teachers on performance, attendance, students' behavior proposing strategies for the recovery of low-income students.
Note that it is not enough to just be encyclopedic learning, formal, based solely on the theories. The supervisor guides that learning is more comprehensive, take into account the knowledge that the student already has (hidden curriculum), that is meaningful, inclusive, and has to do with the current context of the locality which the student resides, providing practical activities that have to do with the work that will play when they finish their studies with use. The supervising teacher must instruct teachers on how to teach, so that students gain instigated, curious want to know more, encouraging them to be researchers and to build their own knowledge. The teacher is the facilitator of student learning, encouraging them to searching your questions and to question if they persist.
Finally, educational supervisors teachers, along with the school counselors, the pedagogical coordinator, the direction, are both employees of management education as part of the pedagogical part, along with the teachers and the school community. It is a facilitator of processes, an observer of everyday school life. Mathematically we can say that the supervisor acts as equalizer of learning processes between teachers and students seeking to dialogue provide an emancipatory learning.

Written by José Luiz Teixeira da Silva
Teacher / Educator / behavior specialist in students / Supervisor and School Administrator.


- The Influence Of Teacher Education Supervisor In Training Faculty. Original Series Education Professionals
The influence of Teacher Education Supervisor in Training Faculty. Original series Education Professionals The Influence of Teacher Education Supervisor in Training Faculty. Professional Supervisory Teacher is one who observes the process and the progress...

- The Influence Of Teacher Education Supervisor In Training Faculty. Original Series Education Professionals
The influence of Teacher Education Supervisor in Training Faculty. Original series Education Professionals The Influence of Teacher Education Supervisor in Training Faculty. Professional Supervisory Teacher is one who observes the process and the...

- The Influence Of Professor Educational Supervisor In Training Faculty. Series Original Education Professionals
The influence of Professor Educational Supervisor in Training Faculty. Series Original Education Professionals The Influence of Teacher Educational Supervisor in Training Faculty. Professional Teacher Supervisor is one who observes the process and...

- The Influence Of Professor Educational Supervisor In Training Faculty. Series Original Education Professionals
The influence of Professor Educational Supervisor in Training Faculty. Series Original Education Professionals The Influence of Teacher Educational Supervisor in Training Faculty. Professional Teacher Supervisor is one who observes the process and...

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The influence of the Supervisory Teacher Training in Educational Faculty . Series Original Education Professionals The Influence of Teacher Education Supervisor in Training Faculty . Professional Teacher Supervisor is one who observes the process and...

