Deficit Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Deficit Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Deficit Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
What is it?
The hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder is more commonly seen problem in children and is based on symptoms of inattention ( very distracted person) and hyperactivity ( very active person , sometimes hectic , well beyond the ordinary ) . These aspects are usually found in people without the problem , but to be the diagnosis of this disorder to inattention and hyperactivity must significantly interfere in the life and normal development of the child or adult.
Who has ?
It is estimated that approximately 3-6 % of school age children (about 6-12 years old ) exhibit hyperactivity and / or attention deficit disorder. Diagnosis before four or five years is rarely done , because the behavior of children at this age is very variable, and attention is required not so much older children. Even so , some children develop the disorder a very early age. Approximately 60 % of patients with ADHD in childhood remain with symptoms in adulthood , although to a lesser degree of intensity. In childhood , the disorder is more common in boys and hyperactivity symptoms predominate . Over the years , the symptoms of hyperactivity tend to decrease , remaining most frequently inattention , and decreasing the proportion x man woman, who happens to be one to one .
How it develops ?
Usually the problem is most noticeable when the child starts learning activities at school, by teachers of the lower grades , where adjustment to school shows up compromised . During early adolescence the box usually remains the same, with predominantly academic problems , but in late adolescence and early adulthood, the disorder may be associated with conduct problems ( bad behavior ) and problems and work relationships with others . However , in late adolescence and early adulthood occurs global improvement of symptoms , especially hyperactivity , which allows many patients do not require more adults receiving pharmacological treatment for the symptoms .
What cause?
More recent studies point to genetics as primary cause -related disorder . Approximately 75 % of the chances that someone will develop or not ADHD is inherited from parents . Besides genetic , external situations such as smoking during pregnancy also appear to be related to the disorder . Organic factors such as delayed ripening of certain brain areas , and changes in some of its circuits are currently related to the onset of symptoms . It is assumed that all these factors form a basic predisposition ( organic ) the individual to develop the problem , which may ultimately manifest when a person is subjected to a more demanding concentration and performance . Furthermore , exposure to stressful psychological events such as a disruption in family equilibrium , or other factors causing anxiety, can act as triggers or maintainers of symptoms .
How to Manifest ?
We have three groups of children (and adults ) with this problem. A first group shows a predominance of inattention , another has a prevalence of hyperactivity / impulsivity and the third presents both inattention and hyperactivity . It is very important to bear in mind that a " degree " of inattention and hyperactivity disorder usually occurs in people, nor why they have the disorder . To say that the person actually has this problem , inattention and / or hyperactivity must occur in such a way to interfere with the individual's social relationships in their school life or at work . Additionally , the symptoms must necessarily occur in school ( or at work, in the case of adults) and also at home. For example , a child who " all ready " at home but behaves well in school , probably does not have hyperactivity . What might be happening is a lack of boundaries ( in education ) at home . At school , answered the placement of boundaries , behaving appropriately in the classroom .
In the adult , to have this diagnosis , you need to research which shows that he already had the symptoms before 7 years of age .
What are the symptoms of inattention person ?
A person shows inattention to the point of being considered as attention deficit disorder , when you have most of the following symptoms occurring most of the time on their activities :

often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in school , work, or other activities ;
often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or recreational activities ;
often does not follow instructions and fails to finish schoolwork , chores, or professional duties , not reaching the end of the tasks ;
often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities ;
often avoids , dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort (such as schoolwork or homework ) ;
often loses things necessary for tasks or activities ;
is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli main task is running ;
is often forgetful in daily activities ;
What are the symptoms of people with hyperactivity ?
A person may submit hyperactivity disorder when most of the following symptoms becomes a constant occurrence in your life :

often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat ;
often leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in which remaining seated is expected ;
often runs about or climbs excessively in situations in which it is inappropriate (in adolescents or adults , that can not happen , but let the other person a sense of constant restlessness) ;
often has difficulty playing or engaging quietly in leisure activities ;
is often "on the go" or often acts as if "driven by a motor" ;
often talks excessively .
In addition to the previous symptoms related to excess activity in people with hyperactivity , the other to what is called impulsivity , which is related to the following symptoms may occur :

often blurts out answers before questions have been completed ;
often has difficulty awaiting turn ;
often interrupts or intrudes on others (eg , butting into conversations or games of colleagues ) .
Importance of medical treatment for those with the disorder .
There are several reasons that prove to be of great medical importance to diagnose and treat the child ( or adult ) with the disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder .
First , it is important to make the treatment of this disorder so that the child does not grow stigmatized as " rowdy class " or or " bum " or as the "terror of teachers ."
Second, so that the child does not get for years with impaired development in school and in their social life , lagging behind the other colleagues in an increasingly competitive society .
Third, it is important to make a treatment of the disorder to try to minimize future consequences of the problem , as the propensity to drug use (which is relatively frequent in adolescents and adults with the problem ) , mood disorders (depression , mainly) and disorder of conduct .
How is it diagnosed ?
The diagnosis should be made by a generally neurologist trained health professional , pediatrician or psychiatrist . Diagnosis may be aided by some psychological or neuropsychological tests, especially in borderline cases , as in adults , but even children, for proper monitoring of treatment .
How is it?
The treatment involves the use of medication , usually a specific psycho- stimulant for the central nervous system, use of some antidepressants or other medications. There should be a monitoring of the progress of therapy through family and school . Besides drug therapy , psychotherapy should be maintained , in most cases , the need to care for the child ( or adult) due to behavior change that must occur with improvement of symptoms , because of advice that should make parents and for treatment of any specific development problem that can be associated .
A key aspect of this treatment is to keep the child , his family and his teachers , because it is necessary to help the child to restructure your environment , reducing your anxiety . An almost universal requirement is to help parents recognize that the permittivity is not helpful to the child , but using a clear and predictable rewards and punishments model based on behavioral therapies , child development can be better monitored.
Dr. Alice Ping pong Koch
Dr. Dayane Diomário Rose

Read More : Deficit Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ABC Health # ixzz2toutRbid
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