Tics and Tourette Syndrome

Tics and Tourette Syndrome

Tics and Tourette Syndrome

Tics are involuntary , rapid , repetitive, and stereotyped movements , arising from sudden way and have no particular rhythm . Some are examples of eye blinks and movements with the shoulders , but the symptoms can also occur in the form of sounds emitted by the patient ( vocalizations ) . Can be continuous or suddenly emerge as hits .
The intensity of ticks is variable. Some are barely noticeable , but others are quite complex , such as jumping or barking strong . There are also cases that are " camouflaged " in everyday attitudes , as the hair away from the face or smoothing their clothes . This case are only recognized by its repetitive nature .
The patient can avoid the tics , but with effort and emotional stress . Sometimes , the manifestations are preceded by an uncomfortable sensation, called premonitory and often followed by a feeling of relief. Usually disappear during sleep and decrease with alcohol intake or during activities that require concentration. Moreover, factors such as stress , fatigue , anxiety, and increasing the excitation intensity of the characteristic movements.
complex tics
Tics can be simple or complex . In the first case , are the most direct manifestations such as eye blinking , facial grimacing , twisting the nose or mouth , clenching , lift your shoulders , move your fingers and shake his head or neck . Among the vocalizations that category are " scratching " the throat , tongue clicking , shouting , whistling , rumbling and imitate animal sounds , such as grunts , howls , barks , and tinnitus .
Already complex tics can organize themselves and be ritualized . They resemble compulsions , preceded manifestations of cognitive phenomena or obsessions ( ideas , thoughts and images ) , usually accompanied by intense anxiety , palpitations , tremors and sweating . The difference is that the tics are preceded by a sense of obligation , of having to do something that acts as an increasing pressure that needs to be discharged . Furthermore , patients with tics report tactile or muscular sensations that anticipate repetitive behaviors ( premonitory sensations ) , which does not occur with the compulsions .
Tourette's syndrome
Holders of tics often have more than one type of manifestation. When they are multiple and involve both vocal and motor tics , not necessarily at the same time, featuring Tourette syndrome .
The disorder appears around the age of 7 , but this event can vary from 2 to 15 years. At first, simple motor tics occur as eye blinks . After 11 years on average , the child vocalizations , such as throat clearing , sniffling , coughing, exclamations and colloquialisms , among others . This order , however, can be reversed.
Tics can also manifest as an involuntary emission of obscene words or gestures ( coprolalia and copropraxia , respectively) . The coprolalia occurs in less than one third of cases and perhaps suffer some cultural influence, since it is more frequent in certain countries . In Denmark, for instance, is six times more common in Japan copropraxia This , in turn , affects 1 % to 21 % of patients. At least half of the cases , can also repeat words heard ( echolalia ) , the observed gestures ( echopraxia ) or the speech itself ( palilalia ) occur.
It is estimated that one third of patients experience complete remission at the end of adolescence , the other third improves tics . The rest will probably continue with the problem unchanged during adulthood . Still, there are reports of disappearance of tics spontaneously in 3 % to 5 % of cases .
After Tourette syndrome settles , the symptoms vary in intensity , especially in adolescence . Some behavior disorders usually appear with the disease , such as hyperactivity , self-injury , behavioral problems and learning beyond the obsessive - compulsive disorder ( OCD ) . Studies suggest that more than 40 % of patients with Tourette syndrome also have OCD and about 90 % , obsessional symptoms .
There are cases in which disorders are associated with more concern than the tics . Tourette syndrome is rarely serious and does not always require treatment with medications . Many people go through life with tics without major problems .
About 1 % of the world population has Tourette syndrome, since the milder and not diagnosed until the more severe forms . Tics tend to affect up to 20% of children , but usually disappear spontaneously within three months. Otherwise , there is suspicion of chronic tics or Tourette's syndrome.
The cause of the disease is unknown but it is known that there is an influence of genetic and neurobiological factors . Family studies of patients indicate that there is a genetic predisposition to the syndrome of transmission . Between identical twins ( monozygotic ) , when a brother is affected in over 50% of cases the other also has the disease . If they are not identical , this percentage is 10 % . When all types of tick are included , not just Tourette's syndrome , the concordance rate between monozygotic twins increases to 77 % .
Investigations suggest that there is also a relationship between problems in pregnancy and the occurrence of the disease in the child . Some show a 1.5 times higher incidence of complications during pregnancy in patients with tics than in healthy individuals . However , not all studies were able to demonstrate this correspondence .
Psychological factors may also have great influence on the development of the disorder . Tics worsen , for example, in the presence of stressful events not necessarily unpleasant . Already found that there is an association between the content of tics , his early and important events in the lives of children with the disease .
Studies with magnetic resonance imaging showed that there are changes in some brain structures known as the basal ganglia and corpus callosum of patients with the syndrome . CT scans are more accurate , that work on the issue of subatomic particles ( positrons and photons ) , revealed that these patients generally have lower activity in some brain regions , called frontal and temporal cortex , cingulate cortex , striatum and thalamus .
Numerous studies suggest that Tourette syndrome is influenced by a neurochemical substrate . The main theory of this line is that , in individuals with the disorder , there is an increased activity of dopamine , a substance that aids in the transmission of nerve impulses from one neuron to another . Drugs that inhibit the action of dopamine reduce the severity and frequency of tics , while drugs that stimulate its activity cause exacerbation of the manifestations .
The incidence of the syndrome is higher in males . Therefore , it is believed that ticks are related to the influence of male hormones in the central nervous system. There are reports of exacerbation associated with overuse of androgenic steroids , anabolic muscle mass that increase symptoms . In other cases , the tics intensify in the premenstrual period , which shows a relation of the problem with the hormonal balance .
Some researchers also suggest that there is a relationship between tics and other disorders and antibodies that attack the brain ( antineurais ) , produced by the body to fight infections caused by streptococci . This theory is based on the fact that some people begin to exhibit tics or worsen their condition after suffering throat infections . Studies in Project Spectrum Disorders Obsessive - Compulsive Disorder ( PROTOC ) , Institute of Psychiatry , Faculty of Medicine, USP , showed that rheumatic fever, a later complication of strep throat that is associated with immunological changes , can increase the chance of have Tourette syndrome in both inpatients and their families .
Treatment of Tourette's syndrome involves psychosocial and pharmacologic therapy . Before starting, you should make an assessment of tics , as regards the location , frequency, intensity , complexity, and interference in daily life . Aspects such as school and family environment, relationships and disorders associated with the problem should also be analyzed .
To date , no cure for tics and Tourette's syndrome, but medications can help relieve symptoms . It is estimated that 60 % of patients need of such treatment . The philosophy of therapy is conservative : the doses are as low as possible to avoid the patient to take medication unnecessarily . Even with the aid of drugs , the tics do not completely disappear .
In certain cases, it indicates whether psychotherapy , including guidance to parents, families and teachers . It is important that everyone is well informed about the disease , its characteristics and ways of dealing with the patient . Should avoid stigmatization and overprotective attitudes , because the child can perceive and manipulate illness to get what you want .
There are reports of healing with behavioral psychotherapy . In this context , the technique known as habit reversal has proved the most suitable . Is based on educating patients to realize when the tics will occur and then try to delete them , modify them, or replace them with other, less hassle . An unpleasant and embarrassing manifestation , like waving to strangers , can be modified , with effort and training to a more acceptable attitude or imperceptible , like going hand in hair or body.
Most patients with tics and Tourette syndrome has great improvement in early adulthood , with decreased symptoms or adaptation to more stable and moderate tics . The most significant reduction occurs around age 20. The evolution is often unstable . The severity in childhood does not indicate how will the evolution. Therefore , in most cases , psychosocial and educational approach is the most important element , because it helps the patient and family understand the symptoms and learn how to deal with them without the need for medication .
Frequent examples of tics

Simple tics
tics Complexes
Flashing eyes; Eye Jerking ( deviations of the eyeball ), facial grimacing , twisting movements of the nose and mouth, jaw popping , clenching ; stand shoulder ; movements of the fingers ; kicks ; abdominal tension or other parts body , shaking head , neck , or other body parts .
Facial gestures ; stretch of language; maintenance of certain looks , gestures of hands , clapping , throwing or playing , pushing , touching the face ; movements " housekeeping " ; skip , tap your foot , crouch , jump , bend , spin or rotate the floor ; spin ; squirm ; dystonic posturing ; ocular deviations ( rotating the eyes upward or sideways ) ; lick hands , fingers or objects ; touching , hitting or check parts of the body , other persons or objects ; kiss ; fix ; pinching ; writing the same letter or word , go back over the steps themselves; lentificados movements or inhibition, hitting his head , biting his mouth , lips or other body part ; " poke " wounds or eyes , and echopraxia copropraxia .
Scratching the throat ; sniff ; spit ; pop the tongue or jaw ; Crowing , snoring , wheezing , barking , whistling , screaming, grunting , gurgling, moaning , howling , whistling , humming , slurping and countless other sounds .
Sudden inappropriate utterances of complex syllables , words - " Oops " , " oops " , short phrases and including palilalia , coprolalia and echolalia . Other speech abnormalities such as blocking of speech .
Adapted from Hanna . (1995).
Ana Gabriela Hounie is deputy coordinator of PROTOC ; Euripides Miguel is associate professor in the department of psychiatry and coordinator of Project Spectrum Disorders Obsessive - Compulsive Disorder ( PROTOC ) of the Institute of Psychiatry FMUSP.Contato : [email protected]
(11) 3085-2978
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