PNAD 2013 confirms slow in improving education

PNAD 2013 confirms slow in improving education

PNAD 2013 confirms slow in improving education
Problems like illiteracy and low education decreases very little. Data show migration of students from public to private

adult literacy
Adult literacy (Adailson CALHEIROS / TRIBUNE ALAGOAS / SEE)
The IBGE released on Thursday data from the National Household Sample Survey conducted in 2013 Information on education confirms trends already revealed in previous editions, among them that the Brazilian education progresses - but at low speed. Therefore, problems such as illiteracy and low education persist among the population. The number of students in public schools falls and the private, grows.
Illiteracy was almost stable between Brazilians aged 15 or older: from 8.7% to 8.3%. This means that the last survey was 13.048 million people in this situation. The goal of the National Education Plan for 2010 was to eradicate illiteracy - postponed for 2020 goal.
The illiteracy rate is significantly lower among younger, more educated, effect of effort the past twenty years to include all children in elementary school. Among Brazilians aged between 15 and 17 years, the rate reached 0.8 in 2013 - are 83,000 boys and girls. Among other groups, however, the rates remain high and very little fall. Among those who have 25 years or more is 10.2%. In practice, 12.633 million people. The study classifies as literate people can read and write at least one single ticket.
The situation gets worse when you consider the functional illiterate persons aged 15 or older with less than four years of study. PNAD 2013 shows decline of half a percentage point in the comparison between 2012 and 2013 this year, the rate reached 17.8% - are no less than 27.9 million people who can read but do not understand the message the text in question. In the Northeast, the problem affects 27.2% of Brazilians age 15 years; Southeast, 12.9%.
The average schooling of Brazilians with 10 or more years increased from 7.5 to 7.7 years between 2012 and 2013 is little. Means that the average Australian does not even completed primary education cycle - ie not reached the 9th grade.
There are also regional variations. In the Southeast, the rate reaches 8.3 years (8.2 in 2012), compared to 6.6 in the Northeast (6.4 in 2012). Women go further: they are 7.9 years versus 7.4 for men (7.7 and 7.3 in the previous year, respectively). The peak of schooling is recorded between 20 and 24 years and 25 to 29 years, when Brazilians celebrate ten years of schooling on average - still insufficient for the completion of secondary education, which requires twelve.
The comparison between the 2012 and 2013 National Household Survey also reveals migration of students from the age of 4 public networks to private. In 2012, the schools maintained by governments had 41.563 million students, or 77.4% of the total. The numbers in 2013 dropped to 41,118 and 76.5%, respectively. In opposite movement, the particular units grew, increasing from 12,104 students (22.6%) to 12,646 (23.5%).
The interviews were conducted in 2013 Pnad September 2013 362 555 persons were interviewed, corresponding to 148,697 households spread across all States and the Federal District.


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