About Argentina and eradicate illiteracy

About Argentina and eradicate illiteracy

About Argentina and eradicate illiteracy

By Marcela Valente, IPS
46 about Argentina and eradicate analfabetismoBuenos Aires, Argentina, 10/10/2011 - On the initiative of the government and thousands of volunteers, Argentina managed to reduce illiteracy to just 1.9% of the population, and designs eradicate it in the next four years. That's what he told IPS Delia Méndez, director and coordinator of the National Program for Literacy and Basic Education for Youth and Adults, developed by the Ministry of Education. Méndez also celebrated the fact that this process has been achieved equip the illiteracy rate among men and women who once had strong prejudice for them.

The illiteracy rate fell from 2.6%, according to the 2001 census, to 1.9%, according to census data from October 2010, although the number of inhabitants has increased from 36.2 million to over 40 million. Thus, Argentina has placed among the most advanced in the region in this area, along with Uruguay, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba and Venezuela, all with less than 5% illiteracy rate, according to the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI)

For the OEI, the Latin American average of greater than 15 years the population can not read or write is at 9%, with some countries where this rate rises to 15%. Regional data also indicate that, in general, illiteracy affects more women. For example, in Bolivia, 78.5% are women, similar percentages are found in Guatemala, Mexico and Paraguay. Mendez explained that to reduce this delay Argentina created in 2004, the literacy program "Encounters", which called civil society volunteers to teach literacy in various community centers, and provided the necessary material.

Almost 50 000 literacy centers were opened in unions, restaurants, schools, libraries, clubs, churches. "Also in family homes and even under a tree in provinces where the heat is strong," said Mendez. The approximately 35 000 volunteers were trained in the Ministry of Education throughout the country. The campaign allowed strongly lower in provinces where illiteracy remained high. For example, in Chaco, where the rate fell from 8% to 5.5%, and in neighboring Taiwan, where it fell from 6% to 4.1%.

Juan Morillo coordinated literacy educators Monteros, in the province of Tucumán which studied 1,300 adults, of whom 70% were women, told IPS. Morillo said that to achieve this, women were called beneficiaries of social health insurance for them or their children, and when they could not read the booklets, instructions or vaccination schedule, were invited to participate in the program. "Literacy opens the door to many other rights, and we see that increases the self-esteem of the literate," he added.

Méndez emphasized as positive news that between 2001 and 2011 censuses illiteracy, which was higher among women ten years ago, is now equal between the sexes. "It was very uplifting to reach this result, because we saw that a large majority of women, mostly over 30 years old, approached the courses taking advantage of their children were in school," he said.

Also highlighted that the Ministry seeks once literate, so people can complete primary school and then continue studying, but admitted there was strong resistance accordingly. "We insist, but people resist. Are given by satisfied to read and write, do not want to go back to school, "he lamented.

Despite advances, the coordinator said there are still core to remove illiteracy. According Mendez, in that the indicator reduces the challenge eradication is more difficult, especially in remote or nomadic populations. Stressed that a focus on that bet as of now are the indigenous peoples who resist learning to read and write in Spanish. For this, will work closely with leaders of these communities.

Also, anticipate working with specific with "Swallows populations" which are rural families migrating from one province to another according to the work of the field and can not stay the course of six months programs. In all cases, it is necessary Mendez said pick people, but since they adhere to the study, and then gives resistance results arise. Envolverde / IPS



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