Phenomena generated by Inequality

Phenomena generated by Inequality

Phenomena generated by Inequality

Social inequality entails , in its course , other equally troubling phenomena in society , and who are social anomalies , bringing harm to the population .

We demonstrated, through research , studies and surveys conducted by competent bodies , that countries where social inequality is high , also report similarly high levels of other negative factors , such as violence and crime , unemployment , racial inequality , wars , poor education , lack of access to quality public services , differentiation of treatment between rich and poor , among others .
Below , the contextualization of some of these phenomena in relation to social inequalities :

Violence and crime

armaA violence is a kind of behavior that , as a consequence , cause harm to a person or group of persons , or object, and violates the physical or psychological integrity . It is the physical or psychological force used excessive and harmful way to others . And crime is for an unusual law , punishable conduct of guilt , which violates a code of laws or constitution practiced by humans , and commonly regarded as an act that violates the principle of morality .
Violence and crime are phenomena that tend to precede each other and that , in most cases , can be explained as a consequence of social inequality .
People without access to a good education , even by parents , and suffering omission of the state , not having basic conditions of subsistence , end up influencing , sometimes by natural tendency of the human psyche , or influence of the social environment where they live , practicing criminal and violent acts , as a form in its own conceptions of acquiring financial resources , or even fight against inequality imposed .

As a result , it is observed in countries and regions that suffer from social inequality , high rates of homicides and crimes committed by individuals generally more underfunded and biased to such acts .

It is noteworthy that these phenomena do not occur as a rule the result of social inequalities , given that the majority of the population is affected by inequality , does not resort to violent or unlawful means to evade this reality , and explained these phenomena in such cases by dashes individual personalities .

It is the average of the population with its workforce is not properly allocated to a job . It is a phenomenon with a higher rate , observed mainly in emerging countries , whose economy does not grow in proportion to the population growth of the population , which , in turn , has no means of allocation in the labor market , as a result of other phenomena such as poor education and mechanization of most of the means of production.

Observed unemployment as another consequence of social inequality , since whoever owns the income in a society , have access to better educational and professional training , which subsidizes the employment of a citizen .


It is the name given to the physiological sensation felt by the body , to eat food to maintain their necessary functions for life , when the body is deprived of food . Hunger is a social and physiological anomaly, which also brings in its causes , social inequality and its consequences .

As social causes of hunger , we have , among others : war , civil strife , lack of access to means of production and land for growing food , invasions , poor concentration of income , external debt of countries that impede economic growth , reflecting lack of food for the population , etc. . In a society with latent social inequality , hunger is a problem that affects the population dramatically .

Wars and civil conflicts

These conflicts involve qguerra1ue interests , generating usually violent dispute between two or more distinct groups of individuals who are organized in the quest for achievement of these goals. Normally , wars can be between nations or groups within the same nation with divergent intentions , to the point of generating a conflict , being called the civil war or civil conflict .
We observe that , in many societies where there is a high social inequality , there is some kind of war or civil conflict ongoing or constantly emerging.

Social conflicts often arising from protests in favor of better social conditions . And wars are always a means for countries that already have high concentration of resources , try expanding , conquering , and through the imposition of force , weaker countries economic , military , and socially. Implicitly involves social inequality as a cause .

poor education

Education is a phenomenon that encompasses the processes of teaching and learning and that whatever exists in human society , saved forms , methods and scale these processes are applied . Education in a society promotes culturalisation and insertion of the individual in the social environment , by enhancing their intellectual abilities .

In a society where education is affected by social inequality , reflected in the quality with which the methodology and terms of physical space and certain sections of the population structure is applied , generating a deficit in learning and quality that is transmitted knowledge the learner .

This precariousness in educational systems can be explained in several phenomena generated by social inequality , as poor management of public financial resources, lack of interest of the population to seek quality education , since in the face of poverty , society affected by inequality is seen in a choice between surviving or learn , and the phenomenon of truancy growing at lightning scales .


Poverty is understood as the lack of economic, social , financial and energy resources to change what is imposed . The phenomenon of poverty is perhaps the one that best reflects the social inequality as a whole , since it is the first result observed and identified as divergence between those who hold most of the income and who does not or has almost no income.

It is noted , in countries that have the highest levels of social inequality , the gap between rich and poor , in which a small portion , typically up to 10 % of the population owns more than 50 % of all economic , financial and social resources a population .

The most troubling part of poverty is a lack of attitudinal change , generated by another kind of poverty that is financial. A society that suffers from the scourge of poverty , in general, tends to always get used to the minimum possible for physical survival .

racial inequality

racismoA racial inequality , or racism , is the tendency of human thought or attitude, which gives great importance to the supposed existence of different human races and differences in superiority between them .

Racial inequality has increased its indices with the social phenomenon of inequality , since a disparity in the distribution of financial resources , in many societies , creates a separation or segregation by groups of people with other skin tones , gender or ethnicity , intellectual , religious , philosophical , sexual , etc. . guidance

The most common type of inequality is found which occurs between whites and blacks , but we also see many other types of racial discrimination , such as occurred in the dictator Adolf Hitler's regime that believed that the Aryan race ( white people of a certain region European ) one higher than the other , once he conceived the concept of human races . Given that fact , Hitler promoted a real killing Jews and people of other races , known Holocaust when , at once , in a short period of time , more than 600,000 people were exterminated .

We also observed , in world history , racial segregation that occurred in South Africa , a country of black origin , colonized by the British, who came to dwell there , and grew in population. Then , if we generated a huge conflict , especially with regard to the prejudice itself , since neighborhoods , schools and even public toilets were separate black and white people . The phenomenon called apartheid ( separation) occurred between 1948 and 1994 , the rights of the great majority black population were curtailed by the white minority ruled.
By human tendencies of nature and character of many compounded by social factors , racial inequality is a fact now more veiled , but still evident in contemporary society .

Social inequality together with its consequences , acts as a kind of cycle where a phenomenon generates or exacerbates the other , thereby making societies suffering by omission of the State or who has the most resources .


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