The Human Development Index Report 2013 reveals significant gains since 2000 in most countries of the South

The Human Development Index Report 2013 reveals significant gains since 2000 in most countries of the South

The Human Development Index Report 2013 reveals significant gains since 2000 in most countries of the South
Updated with additional indexes in 2013 , the Human Development Report evaluates gender equality , poverty and extreme inequalities in HDI

March 14, 2013


Norway, Australia and the United States are placed in the first rank of the Human Development Index ( HDI ), composed of 187 countries and territories . At the other end , the Democratic Republic of Congo , destroyed by internal conflicts , and Niger , plagued by drought , record the lowest score in the measurement of the HDI , which assesses national progress in health , education and income . Data is the new Human Development Report 2013 , published today by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP ) .

However , Niger and the Democratic Republic of Congo , despite its continuous development challenges , are among the countries that record the biggest strides in improving the HDI since 2000 , as shown in the report . The new HDI values ​​show a consistent improvement of human development in most countries . " In recent decades , countries around the world have converged to higher levels of human development , as the Human Development Index ( HDI ) ," the report says 2013. " All groups and regions have witnessed a remarkable improvement in all components of the HDI , registering more rapid progress in countries with low and medium HDI . Accordingly , the world starts to become less unequal . "

Fourteen countries have registered significant gains in HDI , higher than 2% per year since 2000 - in the order of more advanced, they are: Afghanistan, Sierra Leone , Ethiopia , Rwanda , Angola , East Timor , Myanmar , Tanzania , Liberia , Burundi , Mali , Mozambique , Democratic Republic of Congo and Niger. The majority are African Low HDI countries , many of which are emerging from long periods of armed conflict . Even so , the data show that all recorded significant progress in school enrollment , life expectancy and increased per capita income.

Most of the groups at highest HDI countries also showed steady gains in the index since 2000 . However, in the lower quartile of the countries HDI Low pace .

Hong Kong , Latvia , South Korea , Singapore and Lithuania showed the greatest strides in the last twelve years between the countries of Very High HDI quartile , Algeria, Kazakhstan , Iran , Venezuela and Cuba are among the five that most progress among the HDI group Alto , and East Timor , Cambodia , Ghana , Democratic Republic of Laos and Mongolia are the growth leaders in the group called the Medium Human Development .

Overall, the global trend is the continued advancement of human development . In fact , no country for which complete data were available records HDI lower than it had in 2000 .

When the HDI is adjusted for internal inequalities in health, education and income , some of the wealthiest nations have strong decline in the HDI . The United States , for example , fall from 3rd to 16th in the Inequality-adjusted HDI , South Korea from 12 º to 28 º , whereas Sweden, on the other hand , rises from 7th to 4th , when the inequalities in the domestic HDI are taken into consideration.

" National averages conceal wide variations in human experience , and significant differences persist within countries , both North and South ," says the report , citing the case of the United States , with a value of 0.94 in the HDI in general , but with an average of 0.75 for residents and 0.70 for Hispanics african American .

" Similar ethnic disparities in performance in the HDI group countries Very High HDI can be seen among the Roma in southern Europe ," says the report .

The new HDI rankings introduce the concept of statistical tie for the first time since the HDI was released in the first Human Development Report in 1990 , for countries where the HDI values ​​are identical to three decimal places .

Ireland , Sweden , each HDI value of 0.916 , are both in position number 7 on the new HDI , for example, although the HDI for two countries diverge when calculated for four or more decimal places.

" After consultations with various experts in measurement development , concluded that differences smaller than one thousandth are statistically insignificant . When two countries are so close in their HDI values ​​, share the same ranking position is more fair and accurate . "

The Human Development Report 2013 - The rise of the South : human progress in a diverse world - was launched in Mexico City today by UNDP Administrator Helen Clark and Mexican President , Enrique Peña Nieto . The report examines in more than 40 developing countries that have achieved rapid gains in human development in recent years, through continuous investment in education, health and other social services , as well as a strategic participation in the global economy.

The Statistical Annex of the Report of 2013 also includes two experimental index , the Multidimensional Poverty Index ( MPI ) and the Gender Inequality Index (GII ) .

The GDI is designed to measure gender inequalities , according to national figures relating to reproductive health , empowerment and empowerment of women in the labor market . Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark are at the top of IDG , less gender inequality. The regions with the highest IDG are Sub-Saharan Africa , South Asia and the Arab countries .

The Multidimensional Poverty Index ( MPI ) examines factors at the domestic level - such as adult literacy , enrollment of children in school , infant mortality, access to drinking water , electricity and sanitation , and basic consumer goods and housing construction - that together provide a fuller portrait of poverty than income alone review . The IPM is not intended to be used for comparisons between United Nations , due to significant differences in available household surveys .

In the 104 countries covered by the MPI , it is estimated that about 1.56 billion people - or more than 30 % of their combined population - live in multidimensional poverty situation . The countries with the highest percentages of " multidimensionally poor " people are in Africa : Ethiopia ( 87 % ) , Liberia ( 84 % ) , Mozambique ( 79 % ) and Sierra Leone ( 77 % ) . However , the highest number in absolute terms , of individuals in situations of poverty are multidimensional in South Asia , including 612 million in India alone.

The statistical appendix also provides pertinent to Report 2013 including the expansion of trade relations between developing countries , trends in immigration, increased global connectivity to the Internet , public satisfaction with government services , and the quality of life specific information people in different countries.

The report also analyzes the key trends of regional development , as shown in the HDI data and other sources :

Arab States : with an average HDI value of 0.652 in the region , ranks fourth among the six regions analyzed in the Human Development Report , with Yemen achieving the fastest growth since 2000 ( 1.66 % ) . The region has the lowest employment rate in terms of the total population ( 52.6 % ) , well below the world average of 65.8 % .

East Asia and the Pacific: The region has an average value of 0.683 on the HDI and recorded an annual growth rate between 2000 and 2012 , from 1.31 % , leading to East Timor , with 2.71 % , followed by Myanmar , with 2.23 % . East Asia and the Pacific has the highest rate of employment in terms of the total population - ( 74.5 % ) across the developing world .

Central Europe and East Asia : The average value of the HDI in the region , located at 0.771 , is the highest of the six regions of developing countries . The multidimensional poverty is minimal , however, recorded the second lowest rate of employment - population ( 58.4 % ) of the six regions .

Latin America and the Caribbean : The average HDI value of 0.741 is the second largest of the six regions , surpassed only by the Eastern Europe and Central Asia average. The multidimensional poverty is relatively low , and overall satisfaction with life , according to the Gallup World Poll , is a 6.5 , the highest of any region scale of 0 to 10.

South Asia : The average HDI value of 0.558 per region is considered to be the second lowest in the world. Between 2000 and 2012 , the region recorded a higher annual growth of 1.43 % in the HDI value among all regions . Afghanistan achieved the highest growth ( 3.9% ) , followed by Pakistan ( 1.7 % ) and India ( 1.5 % ) .

Sub-Saharan Africa : The average HDI value of 0.475 is the lowest of all regions , but the pace of change is increasing . Between 2000 and 2012 , the region recorded an average annual growth of 1.34 % in the value of the HDI ranking second , second only to South Asia , with Sierra Leone ( 3.4 % ) and Ethiopia ( 3.1% ) reaching the fastest HDI progress .

ON HDI : The Human Development Index ( HDI ) was introduced in the first Human Development Report in 1990 as a synthetic composite measure of development that challenged purely economic assessments of national progress . The HDI in HDR 2013 covers 187 countries and territories . Limitations in obtaining data prevented estimates of HDI for eight countries : Marshall Islands , Monaco , Nauru , North Korea ( Democratic People's Republic of Korea ) , San Marino , Somalia , South Sudan and Tuvalu . The HDI values ​​and rankings are presented in Table 1 of the Statistical Annex of the Report and are calculated using the latest internationally comparable data for health , education and income . And past values ​​of the HDI rankings are recalculated retroactively using the same updates and current methodologies , as shown in Table 2 Statistical Annex .

The HDI values ​​and rankings in the Human Development Report 2013 can not therefore be directly compared to the HDI values ​​and rankings published in earlier Human Development Reports .

ABOUT THIS REPORT : The Human Development Report is an editorially independent publication of the United Nations Program for Development. For free downloads of the 2013 Human Development Report , in 10 languages ​​, plus additional reference materials on its indices and specific regional implications , please visit : .


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