Democracy and Quality Education.

Democracy and Quality Education.

Democracy and Quality Education.

The Brazil since its discovery was used as colony of exploitation by Portugal, and so was limited to only remove the natural resources without worrying about the environment, with the development of their colony, much less in education, health, infrastructure planning. ..
Even after the arrival of the imperial family, it has not done much investment in the country by the monarchy, still exploring without worry of developing the land that welcomed them after the blockade that Napoleon did, blocking this called continental.Consistia in preventing access to ports dominated by the French UK Countries of Great Britain (UK) and Ireland, the main goal was to economically isolate the British Isles, stifling comércio.No But for that blocking this result needed the support of countries with ports located the extremes of the continent, these ports of the Russian empire, Portuguese and austríaco.Somente Portugal refused to join the blockade by its total dependence on the British Empire but with the decadent kingdom Portugal could not face Napoleon.
In August 1807, Napoleon sent an ultimatum to the Prince Regent of Portugal, D. John, that he broke with England or Portugal would be invaded by francesas.Mas troops, Britain offered protection to the royal family Portuguese and forced King John to accept the shipment to Brazil. Soon, the royal family was more interested to escape Napoleon than develop some lasting and educational activity in their colony, just waiting for the opportunity to return to Portugal and remain economically exploiting Brazil.
So the problem of education in Brazil dates back to colonization, through the period of the Monarchy, Republic and come to the present day by poor ongoing management of its managers, the mess made by the patrimonial administration that confuses state assets with the assets of manager, which logically should not happen, the institutionalization of bribery, the facility to accommodate relatives in positions and public office, the neglect of the poor, ignorant population, misuse of public funds to education, health, transport, sanitation and infrastructure, tax taxation increasing the cost of living for the working population, the lack of taxation of the rich, politicians ... the lack of ethics in politics, human relations ...
In conclusion, we need a large population of the effort to improve living conditions as a whole. Every time a politician steals, accepts bribes, is a school unless, one death more, stimulates crime and inequality in the worst way ... ogo is essential to invest in basic education, ie from teaching fundamental to the average, of course not forgetting of higher education, emphasizing research ... as the population and the rulers not to join a radical shift in thinking of how to govern and for those who govern, the policies have failed, regardless of party or conceptions philosophical or políticas..o most important is public awareness that it is time to change for the better the level of education for all, improve interpersonal relationships, improve professional ethics and social.Isto achieved with ease and interest político.Quando this occurs we may have a latent and started the Quality Education nation, where everyone can contribute critically to sustainable development in the country.

Written by Professor José Luiz, Educator, Education Specialist and Law.


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