


China arrests have two names . A concerning the arrest itself and another regarding the company that runs it. Today there are about a thousand , totaling 3 million to 5 million inmates (or almost 7 million according to other sources ) . These arrests produce products for construction, industrial , food , chemical , toys , clothing, and are collectively known as Laogai , an abbreviation LaoDong Gǎizào (劳动 改造/劳动 改造) which means " reform through labor ," the slogan of the system Chinese criminal justice . Many of these products are exported and arrive here in Brazil , in industry and in our homes without bothering about its origin .

In " Slavery : A 21st Century Evil " series, produced by Al Jazeera television , the episode "Prison Slaves " talks about this system with the help of Harry Wu , who was arrested in 1960 for being a counterrevolutionary who criticized the Soviet Union , then allied China . Harry Wu spent 19 years in prison , working in Laogai forced and founded the Laogai Research Foundation , dedicating his life to call attention to the abuses of the Chinese government against human rights .

Apart from political dissidents , prisoners are also many religious dissidents in the Laogai . Christians in China can only practice their religion in churches registered with the state. However , many refuse and practice in unlicensed churches and end up being sent to the Laogai .

In the documentary , is interviewed Abighail , one young resident in Los Angeles , USA and a former inmate of the old cellar ( " Re-education through labor " ) . The old cellar is a bit like the Laogai system , also with forced labor, but for most people who have committed misdemeanors .

Abighail was arrested , having never gone to trial , accused of " disturbing the peace and security of society " because they said she " was spreading his belief " , and so was sentenced to three years imprisonment and forced labor. While on the way to prison, the police said she was going there to learn that belief in Jesus was wrong .

Abighail worked in Shenyang , a work camp for women that produced textiles and electrical products . Its trade name was Wanzhong Shenyang Sanwei Service Company and possessed a thousand arrested .

In January 2007 , a few months after completing his sentence , Abighail fled to the United States , leaving his family behind .

Ironically , Abighail worked producing small bulbs for Christmas decorations , a typical item of Christian festivals .

She said that the tasks given were very difficult to complete in a day. They woke up at 7 am and there were people who could not finish until midnight. Those who did not were punished completed . She also complained about working conditions , saying it was too cold at the factory and there were heaters .

Another religious dissenter was Charles Lee , arrested for practicing Falun Gong , a mixture of meditation exercises and moral philosophy. In 1999 , China began to persecute the followers of Falun Gong and arrested 100,000 of them .

In 2003 , Charles Lee left his home in the United States to support their colleagues in China . Eventually arrested and spent 3 years in the Laogai .

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Spent one year trying to brainwash , trying to force him to give up practicing Falun Gong . Then they changed strategy and to make it feel like a criminal. Charles worked in the prison of Nanjing , 170km to Shanghai . Like all penal institutions in China , this prison was also a business. Its trade name was Xinsheng Knit Sweater Factory , 2600 had arrested and produced footwear.

One of the products made ​​by Charles Lee were slippers in the shape of the character Homer Simpson . As he left the prison in 2006 , he returned to his home in the United States and found a local shop that produced the same slippers grin in Nanjing .

In the name of slipper label of SGFootwear company located in New Jersey , USA appears . According to the company website , she has a license to produce and sell products with the trademarks of Warner , Disney , Marvel , Fox and others.

Asked by the reporters of Al Jazeera , 20th Century Fox says SG Footwear factories are monitored to comply with labor laws of China . Moreover , they say never knowingly used involuntary labor in the creation of any of its products. The SGFootwear declined comment .

Officially , China has banned exports of all products made in prisons , but the report from Al Jazeera investigated and found that this keeps happening with government support .

Ten years ago , Hari Wu volunteered to help one's inner Laogai . He was one of the managers ( was not an inmate ) the largest producer of rubber boots in China ( one of the Laogai prisons ) and said he was willing to reveal everything that happened in prison .

With assurances from the U.S. State Department, Huang Peng did his part and spoke everything. However , its seen as a political refugee in China was eventually denied . Thus, Russia ( where he was temporarily ) ended up sending it back to China .

Hari Wu received no further news of his friend. He believes that Huang is stuck in the same prison as he worked and tried to expose .

The Al Jazeera television , which produced this documentary and publish content often revealing the rotten China , was expelled by the Chinese government in May this year : the press credentials of this TV correspondents were not renewed .

Below is the full video of this episode of the series :

Fortunately , this issue is already being discussed and publicized by organizations like the Slavery Footprint . It's worth visiting the site

references :


- Child Labor Today
Child labor today Child labor was not buried in the past. You can still find many children living on this illegal regime. Check out more details! Did you know that life and childhood of many children is not easy! Let us know what life was like for children...

- Laogai : El Sistema Penitenciario De Esclavos De China
Laogai : El sistema penitenciario de esclavos DE CHINA Arrestos China tienen dos nombres. A relativo a la detención en sí y otra con respecto a la empresa que lo ejecuta. Hoy en día hay cerca de mil , totalizando 3000000-5.000.000 internos ( es decir,...

- Laogai: O Sistema Prisional Escravista Da China
LAOGAI: O SISTEMA PRISIONAL ESCRAVISTA DA CHINA As prisões da China possuem dois nomes. Um referente à prisão em si e outro referente à empresa que funciona nela. Hoje em dia existem cerca de mil, totalizando de 3 a 5 milhões de detentos (ou quase...

- Confucius
Chinese philosopher Confucius 551 B.C. , Qufu , China 479 B.C. , Qufu , China Page 3 Education & Communication [ creditofoto ] Supposed portrait of the philosopher Confucius Kongfuzi or , in Latinized version of the Chinese name Confucius is the...

- Report Of The Common Law Based On Justice Film Red.

