Ukraine : the imminence of the Civil War to the brink of war .

Ukraine : the imminence of the Civil War to the brink of war .

Ukraine : the imminence of the Civil War to the brink of war .

Having gone beautifully and with the support of the European Union Civil War looming , getting rid of a Russian pro almost , or even dictatorial government and Yanukovich , a president who is author of crimes against humanity ( J'acuse ! ) and having mostly finding its pro-European course , displeases the imperialist intentions of Vladmir Putin and placed in the difficult position of having to face the Russian power , not Soviet , but a warlike power , the same as that released the Ukraine of Nazi rule in the second World War , when it began , agreed by the Allies , the Soviet Empire .

As I have always said , after the breakup of the Soviet Union , which was where the danger would come from the third world , because the great empire not passively accept its dismemberment , yet it took this situation , troubled by internal taxation , particularly of an economic nature , all wanting to be millionaires in a country where the state is only what was, but serenada this phase , return the imperialist ambitions of the state , consented not know if desired , by Russian society .

Now that amputation was preparing or prepares , is the naval base which is located in Aqyar , Sebastopol as you call it , and which is situated in the Crimea region of international conflict since the mid-nineteenth century , there has been a war almost worldwide at the time , and is located right next to the Balkans where ever started world Wars . The statement that Russia without Ukraine is a country with Ukraine is an empire is known . Knowing this the KGB man , apparently the colonel, or mediaticamente friendly which currently directs the destinies of Russia , the man who killed , tortured , conspired for Soviet power , and that a Sting loyalty and coverup was elevated to ' Tsar ' . I see hardly let Russia go up this strategic position of Sebastopol , which led the Kremlin to approve immediately the invasion of Ukrainian territory , without flinching , knowing that this is a declaration of war , the question is to whom . If only to Ukraine if the NATO, which has already declared to be there to support Ukraine if the former allies of the Cold War , the same of the second World War without Russia a great power who appeared uncomfortable with the war against Germany it wins almost alone . The great power raised to Russia by Stalin's ambition , and bipole postwar , Hitler was the worst legacy. Still paid with blood the consequences of that insane megalomania accompanied by alemão.Temos people even though this year is the year of the war , it was a full century of the First World

In the resort has always had a special status within the Ukraine , Sevastopol is free city, as the capital , has been closed at the time of Soviet rule , never having been a city like any other, and is a Crimean Autonomous Republic , the majority is overwhelmingly Russian ( over 72 % ) which does not justify the invasion , there is no reason , however it is the perfect excuse to hide the other two real : the naval base that the Russians do not give up and the stronger the desire to own again Ukraine , that Putin will not give up .

Desenganem them if they think that with all the diplomatic drive which will be to try to avoid war , to that convince coronelzinho backdate the KGB . All it does Putin is very well thought out and coldly . He is still very young and you want to keep at least twenty more years in power and the power to achieve is the Imperial Russian , to which he served as head of the secret and now aspires to have on hand . Are you prepared for the war and has long since been preparing gradually recovering Soviet military power . For make no mistake " Si vis pacem parabelum " why just one big bully proof of unwavering decision to risk the third world can intimidate you , and do it anyway .... A stop tibia posture, which is everything that current world leaders in recent decades , with the exception of England , where England have been able to show , shoot us all in the War . Have no doubt , in a globalized world , all of this proportion will be world wars .


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