Major Countries of the World

Major Countries of the World

Major Countries of the World

By Fernando Rebolledo
We know that our planet on its crust, is divided naturally into continents and politically in countries (nations) that have emerged, formed and delineated by historical events, cultural and social. Each country has a territorial extension defined by the number of square kilometers of its territory.
On planet Earth, the oceans cover more than 70% of the entire area, the remainder, about 29.1%, is related to continental regions estimated at 149.3 million square kilometers. Each country is divided into states (or provinces), districts and cities.

Every student, when started studying geography at school, just curious to know which are the greatest country in the world, and not only by curiosity, we consider that the territorial extension of a nation directly interferes in its history, cultural composition, population density structure, public services and their potential economic production and consumption.

The earlier 22 million km ² square of the USSR, were inherited, in large part, by the current Russia after the dissolution of the Soviet bloc, remained as the world's largest country in area. Being a Eurasian country whose European portion is 4,238,500 km ².

The predominant territorial inheritance Russia is justified by the historical and cultural background of the country (before the communist establishment), and have been the core foundation of the Soviet regime, so that the city of Moscow has always been kept as the capital even after the dissolution .

The seven largest countries in the world are considered continental countries, the extent of Argentina can be changed for less, if we consider a portion of its Antarctic territory.

Read the following list of the top ten countries in the world in area:

Russia - 17,098,242 km ²
Canada - 9,984,670 km ²
China - 9,640,011 km ²
United States - 9,629,091 km ²
Brazil - 8,514,877 km ²
Australia - 7,692,024 km ²
India - 3,287,263 km ²
Argentina - 2,780,400 km ²
Kazakhstan - 2,724,900 km ²
Sudan - 2,505,813 km ²
Countries large territory and low population numbers, or concentration of population in a given area are referred to as countries with low population density. Every country has a large territory greater responsibilities on border enforcement, transportation infrastructure and maintenance of public institutions in the nation's main points.


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