The 10 richest countries of the Americas

The 10 richest countries of the Americas

The 10 richest countries of the Americas

They say that some things never change in Brazil, one of them is certainly the GDP.

GDP - Gross Domestic Product, could also be translated to: Home Index of Brazil, used in the macro economy, totally unrelated to the HDI, human development index.

GDP is the sum of all that is produced in a particular region, converted into monetary values.

While the GDP shows the country's wealth, the HDI shows poverty, then what is the main index? - Everyone thinks the HDI most important, fewer economists who analyze the macroeconomy.

The mess starts with the date of the research, the latest survey is 2,008.

Brazil has 5,564 municipalities, these six focus twenty-five per cent of the wealth. A good reason to leave the country, at least if it were only that.

The list of the six richest municipalities in Brazil has changed in recent years: 11.8% São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro 5.1%, 3.9% Brasília, are at the top of the list, apart from the rest of the municipalities of Brazil, Sao Paulo but it is striking, with almost twelve percent of all the country's wealth.

If someone asks for people who live in São Paulo if they notice any diferança, in relation to the rest of Brazil, certamenta few will say yes.

Next on the list comes the city of Curitiba, with 1.4%; Belo Horizonte, also with 1.4%, and Manaus closing the list with 1.3%.

Those would be the six cities that concentrate 25% of the Brazilian GDP.

Politics is one of the main factors indicative map of GDP, since the richest cities are capitals, then I would say that the infrastructure, combined with the policy, show the richest, but the climate and geography are hard on the poorest municipalities.

Infrastructure also explains the fact of Brasilia, Brazil's largest political force, come in third, the same happening in the state of Santa Catarina, where their capital was also only the third place in the state.

The search itself is one of the main culprits for the problems of the country, both at election time, and for the standardization of poverty across the country, regardless of GDP.

San Francisco Earl, Bahia, is still the richest city in the country, according to GDP per capita, despite the population of about thirty thousand people live in misery ever, the question remains: "Where will this stop the money oil city?

Justice was never strong in Brazil, then to try to understand what is unexplainable.

All cities producing oil has a strong link with politics, but the South East region, more specifically in Sertaozinho, where the private sector is very strong in the city that grew over the past ten years, we see the strength of GDP since that the Mayor did not know what to do with so much money.

Macaé - RJ also oil producer, follows a race for infrastructure in a city that GDP increases over the past five years, but with a growing population further.

Unlike Macaé, the city that is at the peak of its growth, and Sertaozinho Paulinia already more stabilized.

The power of capital in GDP has declined, but is still a big problem in Brazil.

Rank Country GDP (in trillions of U.S. $)

World 78,360,000

America 20,299,430

1 - United States 15.0 trillion

2 - Brazil 2.3 trillion

3 - Canada 1.7 trillion dollars

4 - Mexico 1.0 trillion

5 - Argentina 447 billion

6 - Venezuela 331

7 - Columbia 249

8 - Chile 185

9 - Peru 131

10-Cuba 55


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