Getúlio Vargas

Getúlio Vargas

Getúlio Vargas
By Thais Pacievitch

Getúlio Vargas Dorneles was born in São Borja , Rio Grande do Sul, on April 19, 1882 . Died in Rio de Janeiro , on 24 August 1954. He was President of the Republic ( 1930 until 1945 and between 1950 and 1954 ) and implemented revolutionary changes that have made Brazil one of the main Latin American countries .

As a young man was drawn by military career and enlisted at sixteen . Then changed his mind and enrolled at the Law School of Porto Alegre , where he would graduate in 1907. In 1911 , Vargas married Darcy Lima Sarmanho , with whom he had five children : Luther , Vargas , Alzira , Jandira and Manuel .
It was at this time that Vargas began his political career. In 1909 he was elected state representative in 1913 and re-elected . Between 1922 and 1926 he held a chair in the federal chamber.
In 1926 , President Washington Luiz Pereira de Souza named Getúlio minister, a post he left in 1928 to become governor of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil ran for president unsuccessfully in 1930 , the Alliance Party liberal , founded by Vargas .
Even having lost to Julio Prestes , Vargas came to power the same year , after starring in a coup with the support of the army. Ruled by decree until 1934 , the year he was elected constitutional president by Congress . In 1937 , proclaimed the state of emergency , banned all political organizations , dissolved Congress and declared the new state.

Vargas led to the transfer of power from the states to the central government , the landlords to the middle and lower classes of the towns . Caused the government to enter within the business , competing with private capital , introduced a new labor code , nationalized resources and minerals and fostered the modernization of Brazilian industry . Petrobras and Companhia Vale do Rio Doce , for example , were created under his administration .
During World War II , the growing commercial and diplomatic cooperation with the United States led Brazil to participate in the contest ( 1942) among allies . The negative Vargas to relax the authoritarian Estado Novo led a military coup that led to his downfall . Five years later , reached the presidency again , with the support of the union movement . However , the army was opposed to increasing its administration . Getúlio Vargas committed suicide with a bullet to the heart , in the Palace of Cateter at that time headquarters of the Presidency of the Republic .


- Getúlio Vargas
Getúlio Vargas Oleh Thailand Pacievitch Getúlio Vargas Dorneles dilahirkan di São Borja , Rio Grande do Sul, pada 19 April, 1882. Meninggal dunia di Rio de Janeiro, pada 24 Ogos 1954. Beliau adalah Presiden Republik (1930 hingga tahun 1945 dan antara...

- Getúlio Vargas
Getúlio Vargas Con Thais Pacievitch Getúlio Vargas Dorneles è nato a São Borja , Rio Grande do Sul , il 19 aprile 1882. Morto a Rio de Janeiro , il 24 agosto 1954. E 'stato Presidente della Repubblica (1930 fino al 1945 e tra il 1950 e il 1954...

- Getúlio Vargas
Getúlio Vargas Durch Thais Pacievitch Getúlio Vargas Dorneles wurde in São Borja am 19. April 1882 geboren , Rio Grande do Sul . Gestorben in Rio de Janeiro, auf 24. August 1954 . Er war Präsident der Republik ( 1930 bis 1945 und zwischen 1950 und...

- Getúlio Vargas
Getúlio Vargas Por Thais Pacievitch Getúlio Vargas Dorneles nació en São Borja , Rio Grande do Sul , el 19 de abril de 1882. Murió en Río de Janeiro , el 24 de agosto de 1954. Fue Presidente de la República ( 1930 hasta 1945 y entre 1950 y 1954...

- Getúlio Vargas
Getúlio VargasPor Thais Pacievitch Getúlio Dorneles Vargas  nasceu na cidade de São Borja, no Rio Grande do Sul, no dia 19 de abril de 1882. Faleceu no Rio de Janeiro, no dia 24 de agosto de 1954. Foi presidente da república (1930...

