The Nazi-Fascist Movement

The Nazi-Fascist Movement

The Nazi-Fascist Movement

»General synthesis of fascism

Hawking an intense nationalist fervor, the fascist movement (Latin fascio = beam), appeared in 1919, shortly after the ending of World War I, became an international political phenomenon. With its epicenter in Italy, plunged into deep socio-political crisis, there fascism, becoming hegemonic over the rest of the ultra-right parties, has expanded, with greater or lesser presence for almost worldwide. However, in each place where they organized it took a denomination, a leader and a characteristic symbology, which differed from other associations of the same ideology.
The policy of militarization
Earlier its members and leading cadres supporters were largely filled by ex-combatants, veterans of World War I, who felt frustrated, excluded, if not betrayed by the governments of postwar. Dai is understood that both the leaders of the Nazi-fascist movement (such as Hitler and Mussolini) as his closest followers were coming from the trenches, and that even in peace, still in uniform and celebrating the lives of soldiers. They behaved as if they were still among his comrades in the war front. Fascism was therefore a militarization of politics, transposed into civilian life habits and customs acquired by an entire generation of Europeans who spent four years of its existence conditioned by the brutal experience of a terrible war.
That their military experience made the fascist parties not only wear uniform and obey your boss the same way as soldiers follow their general, as understood politics as a battlefield, in which his opponents was not seen as a rival electoral framework, but rather enemies to be imprisoned or eliminated in the future. The militarization of political life, with the organized party like it's an army regiment, disciplined and obedient to the hierarchy, has resulted in their determination to submit to civil society in its entirety to military rules. What led them to take the quartelização of society in its entirety. They understood that fought now ended the war, a battle to save the country, their homeland, threatened by communist subversion (inspired by the Bolshevik revolution that occurred since 1917 in Russia), and the weakness of liberal democracy, unable to concentrate energy required to remove the nation's deep economic and moral crisis that had left the war.

Spread around the world

The streets of Rome, Munich, Berlin, Madrid, and even Rio de Janeiro, were filled with civic parades by militants marching, flagged, the martial sounds, praising nationalism and patriotic values ​​that, according to the fascists They were forgotten or openly betrayed the postwar period. Every fascist organization had its symbol, its color and its absolute leader: a boss, one duce a Führer, one warlord, a chief, who commanded his men as a wartime general, and whom his followers devoted true idolatry considering it a kind of life-homeland. Obviously the fascists hated democracy.

Political and racial goals

Had the nazi-fascists as larger goal, stop the social subversion represented by communism. The Nazi fascism transformed Bolshevism in his enemy's death and non-Soviet communists were seen as mere agents in the service of world domination that power. It can be said that fascism took a more radical connotation exactly in countries or societies who felt more vulnerable to a communist revolution. Those in which the social hierarchy, traditional values ​​and the ordering of classes, were more likely to be overturned. And where in the recent past, frustration or national humiliation suffered in the war was not yet forgotten.

Nazism, the German arm of fascism, elected yet, as their worst enemy, besides the already mentioned Communists, the Jews. Followers of European anti-Semitic tradition, attributed to them all the misfortunes and humiliations because Germany had passed (the German right debited to the defeat of 1918 the Communists and the Jews that would have given a "stab in the back" of the country). Anti-Semitism violent him and his eugenics defense policy - the obsession with racial purity of the Aryan man - caused the Nazis finished by order, between 1939-45, the largest massacre of humans ever recorded in history: the burnt offering of all European Jews and the extermination of all those who, they said, "led a life unworthy of being lived" (crazy, exceptional minors, people with genetic ailments, senile elderly, etc.).

The American Fascism

Was included also among fascism, the peculiar way he came and served in the United States, mostly in the southern states, through the secret organization Ku Klux Klan, founded the first time in 1866-7 in Tennessee, and refounded in 1915 by William J.Simmons. Although assert itself as a bastion of Protestant Christianity, white and Anglo-Saxon, and also be anti-Semitic, the klanmen (as its members were called), which reached to 5 million in the 20s, focused his hatred on black Americans, burning their community churches and promoting brutal lynchings. The Supreme Leader of them was called the Great Wizard of the Empire (Great Wizard of Empire) and had ascendancy over the other leaders of the Klan in the states. In one leader was designated as the Great Dragon who headed an 8 Hidras committee that coordinated the action of the Ghouls, vampires, those who practiced the atrocities.


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