Paulo Freire

Paulo Freire

Paulo Freire

Paul Reglus Neves Freire , Brazilian educator . He was born on September 19, 1921 , in Recife , Pernambuco .

For their commitment to teach the poorest , Paulo Freire became an inspiration to generations of teachers , especially in Latin America and Africa . For the same reason , suffered persecution by the military regime in Brazil (1964-1985) , being arrested and forced into exile .

The educator presented an innovative synthesis of the most important currents of philosophical thought of his day , as Christian existentialism , phenomenology , the Hegelian dialectic and historical materialism . This view was allied to talent as a writer that helped him win a wide audience of educators , social scientists , theologians and political activists .

From his first experiences in Rio Grande do Norte in 1963 , when he taught 300 adults to read and write in 45 days , Paulo Freire developed an innovative literacy method , first adopted in Pernambuco . His educational project was linked to developmental nationalism of João Goulart government .

A career in Brazil was interrupted by the military coup of March 31, 1964 . Accused of subversion , he spent 72 days in prison and then went into exile . In Chile , he worked for five years in the Chilean Institute for Agrarian Reform ( Icira ) . During this period he wrote his main book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1968 ) .

In 1969 , he taught at Harvard University ( United States ) , and , in the 1970s , was a consultant to the World Council of Churches (WCC ) in Geneva (Switzerland ) . During this period , gave educational consulting the governments of poor countries, mostly in Africa , who lived at the time a process of independence .

In late 1971 , Freire made ​​his first visit to Zambia and Tanzania. Then went on to have a more meaningful participation in education of Guinea-Bissau , Cape Verde , Sao Tome and Principe . And also influenced the experiences of Angola and Mozambique .

In 1980 , after 16 years of exile , he returned to Brazil , where he wrote two books taken as fundamental in his work : Pedagogy of Hope ( 1992) and In the Shadow of this hose (1995 ) . He taught at the State University of Campinas ( Unicamp ) and Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo ( PUC - SP ) . In 1989 he was Secretary of Education in São Paulo , in the municipality of Luiza Erundina .

Freire had five children with primary teacher Elza Maia Costa Oliveira . After the death of his first wife , he married a former student , Ana Maria Araujo Freire . Lived with her until she died , victim of a heart attack in São Paulo .

Doctor Honoris Causa by 27 universities received awards as Freire : Education for Peace ( UN , 1986) and Educator of the Continents ( the Organization of American States , 1992) .
Phrases and Thoughts of Paulo Freire

- If education alone can not transform society , nor society changes without it .

- Truths of the Profession of Teacher:
No one denies the value of education and that a good teacher is essential . But still wishing good teachers for their children , many parents want their children to be teachers . This shows us the recognition that the work of education is hard, difficult and necessary, but we allow these professionals continue to be devalued . Although poorly paid , low social prestige and accountable for the failure of education , largely resists and remains passionate about her work .

- The date (October 15 ) is an invitation to all parents, students , society , rethink our roles and our attitudes , because with them we demonstrate our commitment to education we want . Teachers , the invitation is not to neglect its mission to educate , not be discouraged in facing the challenges , nor fail to educate people to be " eagles " and not just " chickens " . For if education alone does not transform society without it either, the company changes .

- There is the silence that men do, but in word, in work, in action -reflection

- There is no life without correction without rectification.

- Humility expresses one of the few certainties that I'm right : that one is superior to anyone.


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