Rubem Alves

Rubem Alves

Rubem Alves

On September 15, 1933 morning, the mining town of Good Hope - at that time called Sorrows of Good Hope , saw the birth of one of the most prestigious and respected intellectuals in Brazil . This is Rubem Alves , educator , writer , theologian , psychoanalyst and professor emeritus at the State University of Campinas ( Unicamp ) .


Rubem Alves Newly formed Prebiteriano Seminary in Campinas
At age 12 , Alves moved with his family to Rio de Janeiro ( RJ ) , and his accent became a laughingstock among colleagues . To take refuge from loneliness , he sought aid in religion and was thus initiating the studies in theology. In 1958 , he left the Presbyterian Seminary in Campinas ( SP ) to act as pastor and teacher in SE ( MG ) , the city where he remained for five years.

During the 1960s , Ahmed lived with his family in New York , where he received the degrees of Master of Theology at Union Theological SeminaryI . Upon returning to Brazil , some years later, he was appointed by the Presbyterian Church as subversive and began to be persecuted by the military regime . Because of this , the intellectual returned to the United States , and this time , he became Doctor of Philosophy at Princeton Theological Seminary .

The educator

Rubem Alves at Union Theological Seminary 2
Back in Brazil , Alves was invited by economist Paul Singer and teacher to join the faculty of the School of Philosophy , Sciences and Letters of Rio Claro ( SP ) . Already in the 1970s he moved to Campinas and was an adjunct professor of the School of Education and professor of Philosophy - holder at the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences ( IFCH ), both at Unicamp . He also represented the full professors of the institution by the University Council , was director of the Office of International Relations and Director of the Special Advisor on Education Affairs . Today , he is Professor Emeritus of Unicamp , integrates Campinense Academy of Letters and is an honorary citizen of Campinas .

The writer

Book Cover
Rubem Alves has a vast number of works published between chronicles, essays, short stories , books on education, children's literature and theology , and often their books are used as a source for jobs in schools. Education , indeed , is one of their major concerns . For him , the act of teaching should arouse the passion of the teachers , so therefore they can stimulate the curiosity and interest of students .


- Rubem Alves
Rubem Alves Pada 15 September, 1933 pagi, bandar perlombongan Harapan - pada masa itu dipanggil Sorrows Harapan, menyaksikan kelahiran salah satu intelektual yang paling berprestij dan dihormati di Brazil. Ini adalah Rubem Alves , pendidik, penulis ,...

- Rubem Alves
Rubem Alves On 15 settembre 1933 mattina , la città mineraria di Buona Speranza - a quel tempo chiamato Addolorata di Buona Speranza , ha visto la nascita di uno degli intellettuali più prestigiosi e rispettati in Brasile . Questo è Rubem Alves ,...

- Rubem Alves
Rubem Alves Le 15 Septembre 1933 matin , la ville minière de Bonne-Espérance - appelé à l'époque Douleurs de Bonne-Espérance , a vu la naissance de l'un des intellectuels les plus prestigieux et les plus respectés au Brésil . C'est...

- Rubem Alves
Rubem Alves El 15 de septiembre 1933 por la mañana , la ciudad minera de Buena Esperanza - en ese tiempo llamado los Dolores de la Buena Esperanza , vio el nacimiento de uno de los intelectuales más prestigiosos y respetados de Brasil . Se trata de...

- Rubem Alves
Rubem Alves Am 15. September 1933 Morgen, die Bergbaustadt der Guten Hoffnung - damals genannt Sorrows of Good Hope, sah die Geburt von einem der renommiertesten und angesehensten Intellektuellen in Brasilien. Dies ist Rubem Alves, Pädagoge, Schriftsteller...

