How much does the President of Brazil?

How much does the President of Brazil?

How much does the President of Brazil?

President Dilma Rousseff
In 2010, Brazil elected the first female president, Dilma Rousseff, who takes office on January 1, 2011.
In Brazil, the president of the republic and the vice president of the republic are remunerated by way of subsidy, ie, the salary of the president and the vice president is formed by a single salary portion not being more composed of salary, bonuses, benefits and additional ones, like the vast majority of public officials.
Before the Legislative Decree No. 113 of 4 June 2007, the subsidy was the president of R $ 11,420.21 and established as salary of the vice president of the republic the amount of R $ 10,748.43. "
Currently, with the publication of the Draft Legislative Decree No. 683 of 2010, the monthly allowance of the President and Vice-President of the Republic was increased to R $ 26,723.13 (twenty-six thousand, seven hundred and twenty three dollars and thirteen cents). "
With this, the salary of President Dilma Rousseff will be R $ 26,723.13.
Understand what is presidentialism and the Federative Republic of Brazil
According to the Federal Constitution, the Federative Republic of Brazil is formed by a set composed of the indissoluble Union, the member states, the Federal District and the municipalities in which the exercise of power is assigned to distinct and independent bodies, subjected to a control system for ensuring compliance with the laws and the Constitution.
From its name, it is observed that Brazil adopts the form of government and the Republic as a form of state federation, because the federal units have political autonomy.
By adopting a republican form of government, the Federative Republic of Brazil adopted as the presidential system of government, ie, the head of state is elected by the people, for a period of time (which shows the characteristics of eligibility and the transience of this form of government) and the President of the Republic accumulates the functions of head of state (to represent the country in a ceremonial meetings with other authorities internal and external) as well as head of government (take care of the entire administration of the country, and the issues economic policy of external security).
The Federative Republic of Brazil, the Executive power is exercised by the President, assisted by the Ministers of State. The election of President and Vice-President of the Republic will be held simultaneously on the first Sunday of October, in the first round, and the last Sunday in October in the second round, if any, of the year prior to the expiration of the current presidential term . The President of Brazil has a four-year term together with the vice-president that was recorded on your plate election.
Once elected, the President of the Republic and Vice President of the Federative Republic of Brazil are licensed by the Superior Electoral Court and shall take office at a meeting of the Brazilian National Congress, pledging to maintain, defend and enforce the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, observe the Brazilian national laws, promote the general good of the Brazilian people, sustain the unity, integrity and independence of Brazil.
There may be situations in which the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil has to move away from their duties, as in the case of holidays or international meetings. On these occasions, it will be replaced by the Vice-President of the Brazilian Republic. However, in case of disability of the President and the Vice President, or vacancy of their respective offices, will be called successively to the office of President of the Federative Republic of Brazil President of the Chamber of Deputies, the President of the Senate and President of the Supreme Court.
What does a President of the Republic of Brazil
As the leader of the largest Brazilian nation, the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil has the function of top management of the Brazilian state. Thus, the Federal Constitution states that the President of the Republic shall: appoint and dismiss the Ministers of State, exercise, with the assistance of the Ministers of State, the top federal administration; initiate legislation in the manner and as provided in this Constitution; endorse, enact and promulgate laws and issue decrees and regulations for the true enforcement; veto bills, wholly or partially, have, by decree on: organization and operation of the federal administration, when not imply increased spending or the creation or extinction of public agencies as well as the extinction of functions or public positions, when vacant; maintain relations with foreign states and accredit their diplomatic representatives, treaties, conventions and international acts, subject to a referendum of the National Congress; enact state of defense and the state of siege; enact and enforce federal intervention; send message and government plan to Congress at the opening of the legislative session, exposing the country's situation and requesting the measures it deems necessary, grant pardons and commute sentences with hearing, if necessary, the bodies established by law, to exercise supreme command of the Armed Forces, appoint the Commander of the Navy, Army and Air Force, to promote general officers and appoint them to positions that they are private; appoint, after approval by the Senate, the Justices of the Supreme Court and High Courts, Governors of Territories, the Attorney General's Office, the president and directors of the central bank and other servers when required by law, the Ministers the Court of Audit, judges in the cases provided for in the Constitution, the Attorney General's Office, and appoint members of the Council of the Republic; convene and preside over the Council of the Republic and the Council of National Defense; declare war, in the case of foreign aggression, authorized by Congress or confirmed by it when it occurs between legislative sessions and under the same conditions, decree full or partial national mobilization; celebrate peace, or the authorized referendum of the National Congress; give awards and honors; permit, as provided in a supplementary law, foreign forces to pass by or stay in the country temporarily; submit to Congress a multi-year plan, the bill of budgetary directives and budget proposals provided in this Constitution; provide annually to Congress within sixty days after the opening of the legislative session, the accounts for the previous year, supply and extinguish federal government positions, according to the law; issue provisional measures with the force of law; perform other duties provided for in the Constitution.
Resides the President
In Brazil, the President of the Republic exercises its functions in the palace of the plateau, which is based on the square of the three powers, well known address in Brasilia (Federal District). However, he has two official residences: the Alvorada Palace and the Granja do Torto. The Vice-President of the Brazilian Republic is also entitled to an official residence: Palace Jaburu. All official residences are also located in Brasilia (DF).


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