Brazilian statesman and writer Rui Barbosa

Brazilian statesman and writer Rui Barbosa

Brazilian statesman and writer
Rui Barbosa

11.05.1849 , Salvador ( BA )
1o/3/1923 , Petrópolis ( RJ )
Page 3 Education & Communication
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Rui Barbosa was consecrated as the eagle Hague Peace Conference in that city in 1907
Rui Barbosa de Oliveira bacharelou by the Faculty of Law in St. Paul in 1870. Earlier in his career , in Bahia , waged a campaign for direct elections and the abolition of slavery . Then it would be relevant politician in the Old Republic , gaining international prominence during the Peace Conference at The Hague (1907 ) , in which he defended the Brazilian theory of equality among nations .

Elected to the Provincial Assembly of Bahia in 1878 , passed the following year the deputy general ( ie , representative of the province in the national legislature , in Rio de Janeiro ) . He served in the preparation of electoral reform, education reform and the emancipation of slaves .

With the Republic , became deputy head of the provisional government and took over the portfolio of Finance . He also wrote the project of the Constitutional Charter of the Republic . Congress being dissolved by Diodorus of Fonseca , Rui left of his office and went to the opposition .

In 1893 , he was involved in the Revolution of the Navy and eventually exiled . After passing through Argentina , Lisbon, Paris and London , he returned to Brazil and was elected Senator from Bahia in 1895 .

Rodrigues Alves , President of the Republic appointed him representative of Brazil in 2nd Hague Peace Conference . In Brazil , given its brilliance and eloquence won hence the title " Eagle of the Hague ."

The truth, however , is that the impression there was not as positive as well ( the German representative , for example , was not the only one to consider Rui " the most boring of the participants " ) . At the end of life , yet he was elected judge of the International Court in The Hague .

In 1916 , appointed by then President Wenceslas Bras , represented Brazil on the centenary of Argentine independence , speaking at the Law Faculty of Buenos Aires on the legal concept of neutrality . In full World War , the speech would cause the rupture of relations between Brazil and Germany.

Three years later , Rui refuse the invitation to head the Brazilian delegation at the Versailles Conference (1919 ) , which set the terms of peace between victors and defeated in the First War .

With his enormous prestige , Rui Barbosa applied twice to the presidency ( in the 1910 elections against Hermes da Fonseca , and in 1919 , against Pessoa in 1919 ) , but was defeated in both.

As a journalist , wrote for various organs , in particular " The Press " , the " Jornal do Brazil " and " Daily News " and chaired the latter . Founding partner of the Brazilian Academy of Letters , Machado de Assis succeeded in the presidency of the house .

Rui Barbosa died at age 73. His extensive bibliography , in over a hundred volumes , contains articles , speeches, lectures and notes written policies throughout a lifetime . His extensive library with over 50,000 titles , belongs to the Casa de Rui Barbosa Foundation , in his former residence in Rio


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