Education in Brazil should be the solution, not tragedy
Education in Brazil should be the solution, not tragedy
Fábio Pereira Ribeiro
I've got tired of so much tragic news about Brazilian education. Obviously improve access to education, but not insist on improving quality.
Again Brazil is in the worst position of international indicators on Education. The indicators of the OECD and the UN, in addition to our own indicators, mainly Brazil Proof, demonstrate that no evolutionary advance in quality and results of our educational principles.
Our base suffers, and the end result young people with limited access to the best courses and training. Take the case of engineering in Brazil, suffer evil the lack of engineers, accurate passes away because of our children. Mathematics is a true horror movie in Brazil.
The international study commissioned by the company to Pearson Economist Intelligence Unit, reflects how Brazil still insists the delay in educational policies. Until Brazil improved, moved up one position. Today Brazil is the third worst in 40 developed countries. The study, "The Learning Curve" shows how our students learn effectively, and can apply this learning. http://thelearningcurve.pearson.com
It is common to observe in Brazil access programs, but not actually learning and applicability. This is the great point, and international indicators only confirm the problem in the country.
Every time I see an international indicator on education and the position of Brazil, remember the motto of the federal government, "Rico Country, Country is without Poverty". I agree with the sentence, but the best would be, "Country Rico, is the country with intelligence." People without economic conditions that have access to education, surely eliminate poverty. But what we have today, a simple transfer program income, that still does not meet the economic need, and does not help in the social and educational development of the same.
Education is growth, education is developing. Brazil can not find that World Cup changes its international image. What changes the country is the quality of their education at all levels, and by the way solve more urgent problems, such as violence and health.
But in recent years we have seen "rape" against our institutions and educational policies. We see advances in designs, our policies are lost in ideologies, universities live in a bottomless pit of "burst" budgets and lack of investment, and to make matters worse, our youth have hysterical fear by education and school benches. It is easier to mobilize for a "rolezinho" on Shopping than a cultural "rolezinho" in the library.
On the last day May 8, 2014, at 17hs48, President Dilma Rousseff, posted on his official Facebook profile (which by the way the President uses too) a "post" with the title "Valuing Education". Follows the "post":
"The federal government is dedicated to changing the scenario and improve each day more public education in Brazil.
to ensure the quality of education, President Dilma Rousseff defends the value of teachers and public schools.
"The greatest wealth of this country is knowledge of Brazilians," she said at the awards ceremony # OBMEP yesterday.
"Without trained, socially valued teachers, you can not have a quality education. Paying teachers well is something strategic in the coming years, "he added.
Dilma explained that for this, signed legislation intended 75% of oil royalties for education.
She congratulated the winning students of the Mathematical Olympiad and stressed that education is the "path to growth and development of the country."
"We need to pursue that path which is the way of the future, the world of knowledge, called knowledge economy," he said.
The #OBMEP 2013 with the participation of 18.7 million students from more than 47 000 public schools throughout Brazil.
With this, more than 99% of Brazilian municipalities were represented in the competition. "
Every day we read "posts" highlighting achievements, but the same seems to have a great distance from the Brazilian reality, considering its population of 200 million people, and growing social demands, especially when the country has major bottlenecks in health, safety and even , competitiveness.
The President plays in an effective, teacher appreciation point, and today the reality is another, even as also the problem of governors. Brazil is recognized as one of the countries that disrespect teachers. The "teacher" profession tends to fade in Brazil.
Another point, the law of 75% of oil royalties for education. This is great, but in practice is a big risk, considering the tragic moment that Petrobras lives, which by the way this year saw its profit lost 30%, and condition the investment in education to a commodity of high risk is the same as do not worry about having an effective pact for education of Brazil at all levels.
In addition, two major federal government projects that I have to admit, Pronatec and the Science without Borders, yet lack a more consistent structural design. Technical education has literally been disrespected for years, and today the country suffers from a severe shortage of technical professionals in various fields. The basic idea Pronatec is good, but I doubt its effectiveness, especially in absorbing excess capacity of educational institutions, which ultimately offer programs with questionable quality and not effectively meet the national demand. The government should increase its participation in the Federal Institutes and the Federal Technical Schools, which by the way always had points of excellence in training technicians.
In the case of the Science without Borders, we have a language barrier that still exists between students and teachers in higher education. And besides, the government should expand the budget share, and send abroad, especially in countries like the United States, France, Germany, England, Sweden, China and more teachers beyond the student body, by the way, comes from Portugal.
But regardless, our photography education in the question does not change for the better, only worse. Years of democratic openness, ways to correct the mistake of the past, but what happens? All worsens. With so much economic wealth, it's about time for Brazil to be advancing in education? And, with all due respect to our students in educational victorious Olympics, but are not some medals that will transform or add value to the education in Brazil.
We need an urgent deal on the subject. Today candidates for president need to show consistent education projects for the country. We need a Project Country, which run from educational policy-centered ideologies. We need to develop a project that really applicability to development and social growth of Brazil.
The violence has already taken account of Brazil, health is a tragedy, sanitation is deplorable, we have the worst indicators of innovation and international competitiveness, and think coolly, that all are effective consequences for lack of a National Pact for Education.
If we are the seventh largest economy in the world, why are not among the 10 countries with the best educational indicators?
And to take some weight of criticism about President Dilma pact education means involvement of the whole society, all levels of governments, politicians, and especially the young people should engage intensely with education and culture .
I only make an appeal both to Dilma, as well as the future rulers, take firm with education. Only education saves Brazil, we ran the rest behind, and the Brazilian national team just has to make goal.
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