Brazil's economy

Brazil's economy

Brazil's economy

The large territory of Brazil provides possibilities for the implementation of various economic activities, besides the existence of mineral wealth, its large territory can be allocated to farming.

Brazil is a country with a strong economy, is an exporter of a wide range of products, a fact that strengthens its economy. The activities of agriculture, industry and services are very active and contribute to the growth of GDP (Gross Domestic Product). In 2008, Brazil's GDP grew 5.1% compared to 2007 production, the amount was totaled R $ 2.889 trillion.

Exports in 2008 reached the amount of U.S. $ 197.9 billion and imports U.S. $ 173.2 billion, the trade balance (difference between exports and imports) was $ 24.7 billion, ie country exported more than imported.

The main products that Brazil exports are iron ore, steel, soybeans and derivatives, automobiles, sugar cane, planes, beef, coffee and chicken meat.
The most imported products in the country are: crude oil, electronics, vehicle parts, pharmaceuticals, automobiles, fuel oil, natural gas and aircraft engines.

The Brazil along with Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay form the economic bloc called Mercosur (Southern Common Market). In addition to this economic bloc, Brazil also integrates the WTO (World Trade Organization).

Real, the Brazilian currency

Each Brazilian region presents specific economic activities, they are:

The economy of the North is based primarily on vegetable extraction of products such as wood, latex, acai and brown. Mining activity is also very strong in the region, especially the extraction of iron, copper and gold. Noteworthy is also the Manaus Free Zone.

The economy of this region is diverse, tourism is very strong, there is a large presence of industries, agribusiness and oil exploration. Sugarcane is the main crop of the region.

The economy revolves around agriculture (soy, corn, etc.), and cattle industries.

It features the largest industrial park in Brazil. Home to the largest automakers and steel mills. Services and trade are quite sophisticated and diverse and represents the main economic activity of the region.

Most wealth comes from the services sector, the industrial sector is represented mainly by the metallurgical, automotive, textile and food industries. Farming is very strong in the region.

By Wagner and Francisco de Cerqueira
Graduated in Geography
Team Brazil School

Human Geography of Brazil - Brazil's Geography - Geography


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