Brazilian cities are being poisoned

Brazilian cities are being poisoned

Brazilian cities are being poisoned

Subject unknown by much of the population , the discussion about the possible existence of " chemical trails " in the skies of Brazilian cities begin already debated by groups concerned about the matter . On Tuesday ( 26 ) , a plane was spotted in the airspace of Rio Claro releasing smoke into the sky typical of the central region .
Seeing the photos captured in Rio Claro , Santa Catarina Oberon de Mello , one of the leading scholars of the subject in Brazil , strongly affirms : " Surely they are chemtrails " ( chemical trails , in English ) . To Odebron , these tracks are actually part of a secret plan of governments around the world. " These aircraft at high attitudes pulverizariam biological agents , for unknown reasons ," he says . The most accepted theory by those involved in the subject , is an attempt by governments to modify the climate.
Difference between chemical trails and condensation trails
Theorists reveal clear differences between the chemical trails and condensation trails ( these would be common and formed by the heat of the turbines in the icy atmosphere) . Some articles warn that more modern aircraft already have systems in their engines that would prevent the formation of the resulting vapor condensation .
In addition to the trails , our team recorded another aircraft , which appeared to be close to the first plane . In a statement, the Press FAB stated : " due to excellent visibility and contrast the meteorological condition of the time provided , there is an impression of closeness line of sight , which is not true in fact , due to the lag in altitude, the accordance with the rules laid down air traffic . " The note also says that, like on a highway , optical illusions can occur when observed airways .
Have to Santa Catarina scholar , the presence of other aircraft in the images is not surprising . " They always attack in packs , because a track can only seem little, but many trails together form artificial clouds that dump toxic agents ," he argues .
The Aeronautical Engineer Lawrence Fields , formed by UNITAU says that the formation of condensation trails ( those that are not toxic ) still exists . " This is still true in modern aircraft because it is a physical process " . However , Campos could not guarantee that the smoke is recorded in photographs formed by condensation trails . " Me the strange fact that , apparently , not the smoke be coming out of the turbines ," he stressed .
With all the controversy created by the theories on the tracks until the Air Force stood . " This theory is a hoax that has been investigated and refuted by many accredited universities , scientific organizations and media publications ," the U.S. government agency .
Have to Santa Catarina Oberon , this would only be the beginning of a series of events of global order . " Study geoengineering since 2011 , when the attacks began in Brazil , and I can say that there's a lot behind it . It's just the tip of the iceberg . "

By: Matter of The Journal / edited by Walter Luiz / Photo: Disclosure



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