You can be the Parallel universes really exist?

You can be the Parallel universes really exist?

You can be the Parallel universes really exist?

Universes that may or may not be everything can be a surprise. In mid 1954, Hugh Everett III, was a dedicated teacher of the University of Priceton where with their study saw something strange and unreal yet; comes the existence of parallel universes, just like ours. However these universes are related to ours, derive from our room and also derived from other, something pretty confusing but for clarity I say that these universes are derived from our universe and also derived from other universes, as a sequence of an interconnected universe with another. In these other parallel universes, our wars have had different outcomes; effects not known to us. Also calculations and studies species already extinct in our universe have evolved and adapted and humans could be extinct by his you see in places.

Parallel universes really exist?

The discovery of some mathematical and physical theories are the basis for such a possibility

This is maddening anyone, yet understandable, as we can be together in this universe and also nothing in the evidence that can not be other same or different from ours, it seems science fiction however is based on the metaphysical explanations that we have our issues guided, and that the physical rising oo risked his future and his career carrying a theory of parallel universes?
The Great Many-Worlds theory, Everett pressed for his research answered a difficult question of quantum physics: why quantum matter behaves irregularly? The quantum level is the smallest ever detected by science. The study of quantum physics began in 1900, when the physicist Max Planck introduced the concept to the scientific world. His study of radiation yielded some findings that contradicted the laws of classical physics. These findings suggested that there are other laws operating in the universe more deeply than we know.
A short time, physicists studied the quânticoe level extranhas perceive things in these tiny world. One of them is that particles that are at this level can take different forms arbitrarily.
Scientists have observed photons - tiny packets of light - acting as particles and waves. Even a single photon exhibits this deviation form. Imagine you look at a human solid state (normal as we are) and when he looked again he stayed in gaseous form.
This became known as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. The physicist Werner Heisenberg suggested that just by observing quantum matter, we affect their behavior; Thus, we can never be entirely certain about the nature of a quantum object or its attributes, such as speed and location.

Copenhagen interpretation (quantum mechanics supports this idea)

  Posed by the Danish physicist Niels Bohr, this interpretation says that all quantum particles do not exist in either state, but in all possible states at once. The sum total of possible states of a quantum object is called its wave function. The condition of an object exists in all its possible states at once, is called superposition.
According to Bohr, when we observe a quantum object, we affect their behavior. Observation breaks the superposition of an object and forces you to choose a state of its wave function. This theory explains why physicists have taken opposite measurements from the same quantum object: The object "chose" different states during different measurements.


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