Physical recedes and denies exist black hole

Physical recedes and denies exist black hole

Physical recedes and denies exist black hole

Stephen Hawking , University of Cambridge , published an article online reviewing theory on ' event horizon ' and cause noise

Giovana Girardi - O Estado de S. Paulo
The English physicist Stephen Hawking , University of Cambridge , who became notorious as one of the creators of the modern theory of the black hole, causing noise in the scientific community by publishing an article online , even without review by other scientists , declaring unceremoniously "There are no black holes ."
The statement attempts to put an end to a discussion that has gone on for decades and that , ultimately , is the basis of one of the main challenges in physics : unify the theory of relativity ( which explains the macroscopic world ) with Quantum Mechanics ( which explains the microscopic world ) .
The idea of ​​black hole - a cosmological object resulting from the collapse of a star , whose gigantic mass (which can be millions of times larger than the Sun ) is condensed into a single point , with such gravitational force that sucks everything that is around, even light - comes from the early 20th century.
Its existence could be confirmed from the General Theory of Relativity , Albert Einstein produced in 1915 . For decades imagined that this object just swallowed other objects , but not returning anything to the space , which contradict other laws . In 1974 , Hawking proposed that at the event horizon , a kind of boundary of the black hole , particles escape as radiation, which became known as Hawking radiation . So he slowly evaporate and disappear .
This conclusion just fitting inside the black hole of the second law of thermodynamics , which states that the entropy ( disorder ) of a system could never diminish . If the hole just swallowed without returning anything, the entropy of the Universe would be compromised .
Reporting in the journal Nature , said that the new study Hawking recalls that the proposed radiation generated additional questions , including what became known as the paradox of the wall of fire . The physicist Joseph Polchinski of the Kavli Institute , proposed that , in accordance with the Theory of Relativity , if an astronaut unlucky enough to pass by the black hole, go through without realizing the event horizon and would be pulled like a spaghetti into the hole . But , argues researcher and colleagues by Quantum Mechanics , the Hawking radiation does not simply dissipate , but would form a wall of fire in the vicinity of the event horizon . Thus , the astronaut would be burned .
The problem is that you can not be one thing or another . Although scientists do not yet know how to run the world , the two theories have to talk .
New theory . Hawking now proposed , in an article on the website arXiv , that instead of an event horizon , there was an " apparent horizon " , a surface that can catch the light , but can also change shape because of quantum fluctuations , enabling it exhaust .
Hence , he concludes that , in this sense , black holes do not exist as originally proposed . " The absence of an event horizon means that there are no black holes in the sense of systems from which light can not escape to infinity ," Hawking wrote in the article.
In an interview with Nature , explained : " There is no escape from a black hole in classical theory ." However , Quantum Mechanics " allows energy and information escape from a black hole." To permanently solve the problem, only unifying theories says . Only problem , he recalls the magazine has intrigued scientists for nearly a century . Thus , " the right explanation remains a mystery ," he acknowledges


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