Orch OR theory : the discovery of quantum vibrations brain supports controversial theory of consciousness

Orch OR theory : the discovery of quantum vibrations brain supports controversial theory of consciousness

Orch OR theory : the discovery of quantum vibrations brain supports controversial theory of consciousness

One hypothesis to explain the most controversial consciousness emerged in the last 20 years has been created by mathematical physicist Sir Roger Penrose . According to her , the consciousness is the result of quantum phenomena happening at the level of neurons .

This hypothesis or theory has been much criticized . One of the perceived problems would be that the brain is a very humid , hot and noisy environment so that phenomena such as quantum coherence to manifest. However , quantum phenomena have been reported in orientation of birds in photosynthesis , and our olfactory sense.

In a review of 20 years of the theory " Orch OR " ( Orchestrated Objective Reduction, or Reduction Objective Orchestrated ) , the authors Stuart Hameroff and Sir Roger Penrose argue that the 20 testable predictions of the theory , 6 were confirmed , and none has been refuted .

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The latest confirmation, according to the authors , was the discovery of quantum vibrations in microtubules inside neurons . The discovery, made by a group of researchers led by Anirban Bandyopadhyay , National Institute for Materials Science in Tsukuba , Japan ( and currently working at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , USA ) suggests that the observed rhythms in electroencephalograms ( EEGs ) are derived from vibrations in microtubes .

Another study, done by Roderick G. laboratory Eckenhoff , the University of Pennsylvania ( USA ) , suggests that anesthesia , which selectively turns off consciousness while maintaining the non- conscious brain activity , also acts via microtubules in brain neurons .

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Microtubules , vibrating frequency MHz , end up generating interference patterns , or " beats " in lower frequencies , these beats that appear in EEGs . In clinical tests, brains were stimulated with transcranial ultrasound , and improvement of mood, which perhaps may be useful in treating Alzheimer's disease and brain damage have been reported in the future .

Penrose and Hameroff The authors claim that , after 20 years of skeptical criticism , "the evidence now clearly supports the Orch OR " . They believe that the vibrations of treating brain microtubules can be beneficial to various mental , neurological and cognitive functions. [ Science Daily ]

source : http://hypescience.com/teoria-orch-or/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+feedburner%2F


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