

 Cristiane C. Ramos Abud .
PhD in Education course Postgraduate Education in UDESC-Florianópolis/SC.Mestre History of Present Time UDESC . currently
 works in the municipal education network Florianópolis .
 ABSTRACT: This article aims to reflect critically on the role of secretary
school in the school through the pedagogical changes , and cultural identity of
contemporaneity. Discusses also about the importance of administrative files
school as a documentary source to reveal memories and stories of community life
school and its surroundings . Observe the inside of the school is a complex task , but
essential for making a diagnosis for a qualitative and quantitative assessment
systematic characteristics , expectations , possibilities and limitations in
institution to new challenges and pathways .

KEYWORDS : education, memory , history

ABSTRACT : This article is Intended to reflect critically about the role of the school
Secretary at school , through the educational , cultural identity and modification of
contemporaneity . Also discussions about The Importance of the school administrative files
documentary source to reveal memories and stories of the life of the school and its community
surroundings . Observe the inside of the school is a complex task , but vital for Developing
qualitative and quantitative diagnosis is the systematic assessment of the characteristics,
expectations , possibilities and limitations existing in the institution to new challenges and
pathways .
  KEY- WORDS : education -memory- history .

Currently , we live in a time where the values, knowledge, practices
teaching are increasingly unstable , inadequate and replaceable . We have access to
a variety of technologies that enables the construction of new meanings about
time, space , information and body , everything became both consumable and
disposable , the " liquid modernity " ( Bauman , 2001) . It consumes increasingly to
get a false impression of belonging to a particular group or culture , since the
abandoned metanarratives is irreversible , because they failed in their ambition
universalizing and objective to the multifaceted and complex social conflicts and
politicians , this attachment only justify the existence of oppression and totalitarian regimes and
dictatorial ( Eagleton , 2005) .
Although we are in spaces that apparently promote the meeting on
group , exchange and dialogue as the school , prevails individualism , competitiveness and
wear of relations , as in behind Mello & Novais (1998 , p.657 ) , " We arrived at last to
paradox : the much vaunted individualism leads to crushing of the individual as a person . "
Although democratic management is currently present in the discourse , it requires
an affirmation concrete exercised daily in relationships within and outside the school.
Thus , in managing shared nothing is decided unilaterally , but in participation
everyday and articulated among all members of the school.
The school should seek mechanisms that provide advanced and innovative work ,
both educationally and socially , in favor of a role to mobilize their
members toward a greater ability to respond to the challenges that our
society imposes . This macro view of the school relative to family can contribute to
we have greater clarity than we can do in the face of social and educational issues that permeate school and family in social context .
                 The integration of these institutions provides us with a new configuration of the relationship
school-family and highlights the importance of school management in order to consider the
family needs , with regard to the psychological, social and ethical aspects of a
significant relationship with others , growth of own educational competence , social
of those in the school.
The school team and his team must take collective decisions , relationships with
Hierarchical flexible search for balance and movement of information and
Referrals , may be seen as a team in what is done and created , " this
if the group structure supports and clarifies the praxis understood as the manner of the
exercise of the function " ( LORENZONI , 1993 , p.117 ) .
It is through the school secretary and his organization , the school has access to data
statistical learning, social , family and social his / her learners / as , being
that this organization should be easily accessible to all / the members of the school with due
identification of these documents , " Do not just cleaning, inventorying and organizing , is also
fundamental information reinstall from a new organization for the collection and
conservation are enabled dignified " ( Magalhães , 1999 , p.59 ) .
Data that can turn into diagnostics and research sources is well
used and tracked as well as conservation measures , maintenance and
available .
 Has at most schools the following basic tasks of the role of
School Secretary :
- be responsible for the functioning of the Secretariat School ;
- ensure the safekeeping and confidentiality of school records ;
- compliance with the provisions of the Direction ;
-ordinate and supervise the service of the School Department , making the distribution
equitable distribution of work among its auxiliaries ;
school - organize the file ;
- keep up the bookkeeping , file , mail and school record
results of evaluation of students ;
- keeping the law and file documentation of the school unit ;
 - know law teaching force , ensuring compliance within
their duties ;
- keep the documentation file of students and staff crowded the unit
school , organized functionally , with the ability to provide fast
information ;
- analyze, along with Direction and Coordination Pedagogical transfers
- charge of the official correspondence of the school unit , subjecting it to
Signature of Director ;
- prepare reports , minutes , terms of opening and closing of books and paintings
- disclose, in good time, the results of the evaluations bimonthly ;
- give teachers the Daily Class duly completed , in which it
competes ;
- veto the presence of strangers in the School Department , unless there
authorization of the Director ;
- promote and endorse , by order of the Director , instructions , notices and all
school documents ;
secretary - ceremonies and other events that are promoted by the Unit
school , when necessary ;
- keep current the individual folders of servers and students of the school unit ;
- provide information when requested;
 meet - bodies Lecturer , Student and Technical Director, providing them
Information and explanations related to the bookkeeping school and law school ;
- attend meetings and trainings when summoned ;
- legal cases , when requested by the competent bodies ;
- monitor meetings of Class Councils , recording the final results ;
-sign , along with the Director , documentation of pupils ;
- be responsible for the authenticity of documents issued school .
It is up to the school secretary and / or educator / looking at the everyday school and its
documentation , subject to circulate it as a source of data for a theoretical category
that demonstrates the experience and the specifics of the daily school experience .
More than filling data or records , file documents routine dividing them
assets or permanent , attend meetings, meet the school community is required
understand and interpret the subjects and situations ; absences , requests , the silences , the
contexts of drafting a proposal , an attitude with no apparent justification , one
abandonment, the entire school movement that reflects their politics and their needs , " ( .. ) your
do pervades fundamentally the way that the school secretary is an educator and
as such , interferes greatly in conducting the educational policies of the school " ( GAMA
& CARVALHO , 2010 , p.3 ) .
It is the school secretary who has such valuable information that can be
explored for a diagnosis of everyday school life , is to assess and understand the faults
or dropout , seek strategies for the return of these students , outline opportunities
for students with learning disabilities as well as care for their families
in the social , recreational and health research disciplines which cause more trouble
certain contexts , develop plans that streamline administrative routines , ie , acting also in the management of the school helping his political-pedagogical proposal .
One of the challenges of this role is to perceive in everyday documents
evidence , historical sources that make up cultures, places , memories , " The document is not
 anything that is on account of the past , is a product of the company that manufactured
according to the relations of forces there in power " ( LE GOFF , 1994 , p.545 ) .
Materials constituted within power relations that serve as the theoretical
to realize the historical production of subjectivities and identities of the subjects , as well
as forms of knowledge of an era,

The text dead and inert existence is not in any way ' inaudible ' , has a
clamorous vitality of its own , voices cry out from the past , stating their meanings
own, apparently revealing his own knowledge of themselves as
knowledge (Thompson , 1981 , p.272 ) .

File "dead " or permanent should gain another meaning than their
apparent uselessness . You can research how to organize the school students and educators on
the migratory process and identity formation of a community school and its surroundings ,
according to Silva (2011 , p.114 ) :

It is rare to observe guidelines aimed at the educational value of school documents
and the need for management , either because the documents are away from the eyes ,
forgotten in basements or cellars , or because they are considered ' barely readable to eyes
poorly trained ' , the fact is that they live forever ' ice cream . '"

Likewise , as the look of the school secretary on the school records ,
it may ask themselves about how they are made ​​, what information can be
found them , what are the criteria for their selection and elimination .
The files will then gain new interpretations and questions how media
memory, which open possibilities for new stories , experiences previously " saved "
on shelves or cabinets . An interdisciplinary approach to construction and dialogue with those who
organizes and is in contact with its smells , textures , colors and shapes .
Observe the inside of the school is a complex but fundamental to
making a diagnosis for a qualitative and quantitative systematic review of
 characteristics , expectations , possibilities and limitations existing in the institution , for new
challenges and pathways .
This way you can make the end of each day feedback to evaluate situations and
the disputes , as an ethnographer notes that " social discourse " and thus " turns
the past event , which exists only in its own moment of occurrence , into a
account , which exists in your application and can be consulted again "
( GEERTZ , 1989 , p.29 ) .
We have to take into account the reality of the subjects involved around and inside
school , we deal with multiple desires , bodies , sexualities , experiences, values ​​,
that should be valued and celebrated.
Another skill to be developed by this professional is to listen , to / in it
often see it as an opportunity to listen , pay attention to the other , in their
difficulties , anxieties , exerting a look that captures attention with power to intervene or
forward a situation.
As such should be valued and invested in training and development policies
for those who demand responsibility and authority in school ,

In the administrative hierarchy of schools , the secretary coming soon
then director . He organizes and directs all the administrative sector , signs
documents and accounts by the school in various subjects . It is therefore important
refine this professional . ( SCHULLAN , 2006) .

Do not invest in training means loss of competence and quality , it is necessary
train people who , as John Dewey said , want " learning to learn " to act
autonomy and responsibility , and this " requires that they develop sensitivity,
ability to take ownership of that knowledge and give him obligatory "
( CORTELLA , 2010 , p.35 ) . / lem
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