The Director Function ( Manager ) School Institution . Series of Professional Education

The Director Function ( Manager ) School Institution . Series of Professional Education

The Director Function ( Manager ) School Institution .

Series of Professional Education

          It is a function of extreme responsibility that should preferably be carried out by a teacher who has done specialization emAdministração School that has both practical as a technique for the development and application of Learning and Democratic emancipatory way.
     The Director is equivalent to a manager within a company , must pay attention to employee needs , business objectives and customer àsatisfação ( school community ) . Search modernized and equipped to keep all sectors of the School. Learn to delegate tasks to employees, supporting them in their decisions , provided that correct and reasonable . Valuing employees in all sectors because the school works well when all sectors are encouraged to do their best , enjoying all the achievements in society . Promote training of employees, increasing the self-esteem of ourselves, through lectures , courses , encouraging education , improvement in function or another search to remunerate better and add value to the school institution . All employees are invited to participate and are informed about the importance of attending the course until the end with the incentive of having a certification indicating the course , the qualifications of this course , the amount of hours , and the signatures of those who taught the course , who attended , and direction . .
        The School Institution management should be participatory and Democratic , according to the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education ( LDBEN 9394/96em Article 3, section VIII , incidentally entire article three versa in essence the democratization of school practices . Therefore the director has a mission to enforce these principles and other contained in the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education and the contextual reality of the school community .
(Rule of Professional Education Series written by Jose Luiz Teixeira da Silva , professor , specialist in school administration and supervision , educational psychology expert , specialist in public law .. )


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