The deja vu of the eternal liberal programs - by Bruno De Conti (GGN Newspaper / Brazil Debate)

The deja vu of the eternal liberal programs - by Bruno De Conti (GGN Newspaper / Brazil Debate)

The deja vu of the eternal liberal programs - by Bruno De Conti (GGN Newspaper / Brazil Debate)

      Read the economic program of the presidential candidates is not exactly a pleasant task. Anyway, in the midst of these tomes full of beautiful and vain, words are important proposals, revealing the way the candidate thinks about Brazil and its strategies.

      To see how candidates think PSDB the country since the beginning of the century until today, I decided to read the programs of his last four presidential candidates. Do not even know if this is cause for astonishment, but the programs reveal that they continue seeing the same Brazil - as if we were frozen in time - and proposing the same things year after year, election after election.

      In 2002, the program of the candidate José Serra cried for maintaining macroeconomic tripod; advocated a "clash of efficiency in public administration"; said that labor laws should adapt to the "new trends in the economy and the labor market", giving freedom to negotiations between workers and companies; made an appeal to entrepreneurship. Externally, promised implementation of the FTAA, the Free Trade Area of the Americas.

      Four years later, in 2006, the program Alckmin, ironically making ode to the period 1930-80, claimed to be necessary to reconsider the foundations of growth.

      To this end, the recipe would be: the adjustment of public accounts, because "the state is large and inefficient"; modernization of labor laws; and the deepening of openness to foreign trade, to impose "market discipline". To foreign policy, said that the BRICS "are not natural allies" and proposed FTAA again.

      Go up four more years and, in 2010, José Serra proposes one new "efficient fiscal management," with austerity and the creation of a Fiscal Management Council. In the external sector, defends least connivance with China and South Americans and preferential agreements with major markets countries (read USA).

      Other four years following and in 2014, Aetius Neves, in its guidelines, defends austerity, etc. "efficient state", micro reforms, encouraging entrepreneurship, deepening of trade liberalization Says even that will be "laid the foundations for a preferential agreement with the United States" - ie, even the FTAA, repeatedly rejected by the Brazilian people in the streets, still part of the recipe.

      In spite of this four-year program of economic replay the PSDB and the current election, it unfolds in two! The candidate Marina Silva - as stated repeatedly by his advisers - have very high convergence with the economic program of Aetius: strengthening macro tripod; austerity in public spending, with the creation of an Audit Committee; flexible labor market and encourage entrepreneurship.

      The difference is that the program Marina is less shameless than the toucans, radicalized liberal arguments and proposing an independent Central Bank and the end of compulsory loans.

      It is amazing how over 12 years and four elections diagnosis they do for the country is exactly the same and the proposed policies are exactly the same.

      Some will say that it is consistent. I agree in part. On the one hand, it is an almost religious consistency around the ideas of economic liberalism. On the other hand, reveals certain detachment in relation to the concrete analysis of a changing reality.

      Does nothing has changed from 2002 to 2014?

      On the international scene, this period includes a period of high economic dynamism, a crisis of global dimensions and the effort of all countries in the world face the consequences of this crisis - in Europe, by the way, attempting to counter it by fiscal austerity, the golden rule of the above programs, has proved disastrous.

      In Brazil, some things also happened. For the majority of the population numbers are unnecessary, since she realizes, despite the many problems that still face, that your life has improved in the last 12 years.

      Those who need numbers, they show, for example, that the net public sector debt was 60.4% of GDP in 2002 and 35% of GDP in 2014 In 2002, the unemployment rate was 11.7 % of GDP in 2014 and is around 5%. In 2002, the poverty rate was 34.4%, falling to less than half in 2014.

      These numbers are obviously restricted and analysis can not stop there. Anyway, they raise some questions: why the mantra of austerity, if the public accounts are controlled? Why the obsession with flexible labor market, jobs are being created? And so on.

      Marina and Aetius criticize the program for his alleged Dilma retrograde character. Placing themselves as the harbingers of modernity, say the state coordination of the economy is something of the past and should be replaced by agile State (Minimum) of the 21st century.

      What do not realize is that the 21st century is already in full swing, with all its conflicts and transformations and they continue with the same speech.

      Speech, moreover, that not only kicks in 2002, but the year 1980 with Thatcher and Reagan; to the 1970s, with the Pinochet dictatorship; and even to the 19th century in England. If you are already strange to see the same repeated over more than a decade in Brazil prescription, it is still more strange to see him repeatedly proposed and in countries as diverse periods.

      The inevitable question is: what are related Chile 1973, the United States and Brazil from 1981 to 2014? Very little. But, for them, no matter. The liberal prescriptions will stubbornly proposed to any country in the world and at any historical moment. Why? Because it favors some interests and social classes over others.

      Despite the feeling of déjà vu that always provokes, this recipe will be resubmitted in 2018, 2022 elections, and while there is capitalism. Therefore it is up to the Brazilian population reject it again - at the polls and in the streets - every time he is put.

Image Credit: Carta Maior

* From Bruno Conti is a Professor of Economics Institute of Unicamp and researcher at the Center for the Study of Economy and Economic Policy (CECON / Unicamp)
Posted by Doney Stinguel at Wednesday, October 1, 2014


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