Teachers warn of risks of Mine elect Neves Aetius

Teachers warn of risks of Mine elect Neves Aetius

Teachers warn of risks of Mine elect Neves Aetius

In a letter of repudiation entitled "What did Aetius in Minas serves to Brazil?" Teachers repudiate authoritarian presidential management in Minas Gerais, where reigned the neglect of education professionals and health and the rigging of the media and the judiciary

Aetius snows education ontario
The Single Union of Education Workers of Minas Gerais issued an open letter of condemnation of Aetius presidential Neves. The PSDB candidate was defeated in the first round in their own political cradle, Minas Gerais.
In the text, titled What Aetius made ​​in Minas serves to Brazil ?, teachers commented managerial irresponsibility of Aetius in the period as governor, turning the most indebted Gerais State of Brazil.
Education professionals also cite the authoritarian practices of the toucan with various categories of workers; all with the support of the media, the Court and the State Prosecutor - organs that were rigged and were subservient to him. Read below the note of rejection.
What did Aetius in Minas serves to Brazil?

The idea of ​​a public administration that is efficient and that takes care of its citizens is what we all strive for. That, among many flags, posters and slogans, the demonstrations of June 2013 asked: that the state will materialize in the lives of people with public policies and quality services.
Listening to the speech of the candidate for the presidency Aetius Neves, it seems that this would represent management efficiency and care for people. But good policy if it does not what is practiced, with advertisements. So it is necessary to discuss what Aetius made ​​in Minas serves for the country.
SEE ALSO: Open letter to actress Débora Falabella: The truth about education in Minas Gerais
When he was elected governor, Aetius, immediately asked the Legislative Assembly delegated authority to make laws (which need not be approved by state legislators). During his tenure laws were 110 delegates. His predecessor, Itamar Franco, signed across the eight delegated mandate laws. But what does this have to do with the common citizen?
Changes in the structure of government and its impacts were not discussed with anyone. And how management will define what your priorities are. Fits Brazil a President whose style govern without Congress?
By assuming, he promoted the shock management, with the idea that the state should spend less on the administrative machine and with more people, and that the state would balance their accounts. After 12 years, the balance is extremely negative. The State did not take care of people, we have structural problems in the areas of health, education and public safety, we have policies that take care of our youth, to combat violence, and drugs that promote education and entering the labor market. The programs of the state government have two characteristics: they showcase programs that do not reach the majority of municipalities or the federal government that are here in Minas, name change programs.
We are the second most indebted state in the country and, over the years, the policy of new loans committed for 2015 the investment capacity of the state. The shock management did not bring more efficiency to the government. Unlike, took care of the little people and indebted the state.
And what about a ruler who, using the machine and the state money, built a hegemony that borders the state of exception? Here in Minas, most state legislators, the Court of Auditors, the owners of the media, the State Prosecutor does not act autonomously in relation to the state government, but they have a relationship of subservience. Is this what we want for Brazil?
The areas of health, education and public safety have not had in the last 12 years, investments and policies necessary for the proper care to the population. The PSDB government stopped investing more than £ 8 billion in health and other R $ 8 billion in education. Because it did not fulfill the Federal Constitution, which establishes the minimum investment of 12% tax and 25% in health education. In 2003, 22.84% Aetius invested in education in 2004 invested 21.69% in 2005 invested 21.34% in 2006 invested 18.66% in 2007 invested 18.73% in 2008 invested 20.97 % invested 20.28% in 2009 and 19.97% in 2010 invested.
The numbers of Minas Gerais, available in Mining Integrated Development Plan, are different from the speech of the candidate: 45.6% of 5th graders of elementary school have recommended performance level in English; 60% of 5th graders of elementary school have recommended performance level in math; 34% of 9th graders of elementary school have recommended performance level in English; 23.2% of 9th graders of elementary school have recommended performance level in math; the average schooling of the mining population with 25yrs or more is 7 years.
The Full Time School project benefited 105 000 students in a total of 2.23862 million. In 2010, lacked 1011735 vacancies in High School. We have the most expensive electricity bills in the country. ICMS paid 43% of what we consume. And 100% of the profit goes to the shareholders of Cemig and not for the improvement of services provided to the population. We have problems with the maintenance of the power distribution network, was verified by the Ministry of Labour, slave labor in the service of Cemig and every 45 days a worker dies on company business.
Mine was built in the first prison of public-private partnership. And the state passes, the private sector, a monthly amount per prisoner paid more than a teacher.
Factbox: Large Media Minas Gerais performs act pro-Aetius
And when I see the candidate pose for pictures alongside union confederations and the right of union members, saying he wants to talk with workers, wonder where this candidate came because in Minas, not talked to us. Strikes by public employees are frequent and lengthy, with rare moments of dialogue. The Single Union of Education Workers of Minas Gerais, which represents more than 400 000 educators, was never received by the candidate while he was governor. We are the only southeastern state that has no regional minimum wage.
I have no doubt that whoever management efficiency and a government that cares for people, do not vote in Aetius Neves. What Aetius did not serve in Minas Gerais in Brazil.
Beatriz Cerqueira
Professor and Coordinator General of the Single Union of Education Workers of Minas Gerais
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