PNE approved is 10% of GDP for education

PNE approved is 10% of GDP for education

PNE approved is 10% of GDP for education

Federal House approves allocation of resources in the order of 10% of GDP for education, as envisaged in the National Education Plan
Federal House approves allocation of resources in the order of 10% of GDP for education, as envisaged in the National Education Plan
A few words: After the new law of the pre-salt roylaties that 75% of the funds intended for education, finally the National Education Plan (NEP) was voted by the Federal Chamber obstructions after the opposition to prevent the final outcome of the vote was capitalized by the government politically.

Occurs that the project is the government and it was inevitable that this political capital left to be who proposes a positive agenda for society.

Point for the articulation of the governing coalition and the Brazilian youth and their families, as the PNE will inject 10% of GDP in education, nearly double what is already currently applied.

in relation to the main goals, data indicate that in the next ten years, investments must jump from the current R $ 138.7 billion to R $ 228.35 billion in key areas.

Among the 20 established guidelines, are the eradication of illiteracy; increased vacancies in nurseries, in high school, in vocational and public universities; the universalization of school care for children 4-5 years and the offer of full-time teaching for at least 25% of students in basic education.

Education is the way to build a better country and a more prepared to guide their own destinies society.

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House approves text-based PNE highlights will be voted on next week

With the gallery taken by students, teachers and education workers, the Chamber of Deputies approved today (28), unanimously, the text-based project establishing the National Education Plan (NEP).
The PNE establishes 20 goals to be achieved over the next ten years. Among the guidelines are the eradication of illiteracy; increased vacancies in nurseries, in high school, in vocational and public universities; the universalization of school care for children 4-5 years and the offer of full-time teaching for at least 25% of students in basic education. The plan also aims 10% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for education - are currently invested less than 6% of GDP.

According to the rapporteur, Angelo Vanhoni (PT-PR), the integral education is the most revolutionary goal of PNE. "In developed countries, parents bring students to school at 7 am and take to 17h. This is because the curriculum, local school systems, have the basic contents - mathematics, Portuguese, history, etc - and tuition in the afternoon with plenty of time yet for music lessons, dance, "he compared.

MPs voted on the advice of Vanhoni, which amended text approved by the Senate. The main change was the change in the article that deals with the financing of education.

The special House committee that debated the proposal adopted the goal of achieving the application of 10% of GDP in public to end the ten-year education, as approved by the House in 2012 The text of the Senate version provided that the funds could also be used tax exemption and subsidies to student loan programs.

In the galleries of the House, students, teachers and education professionals and held placards calling for the approval of the PNE. Protesters were allowed to monitor the vote in plenary and celebrated the achievement by the screams of "10% of GDP for education."

The vote on the text-base was a way to buy time in the negotiation of issues considered controversial as it deals with the financing of education. The issue will be debated again next week when MPs should vote highlights the text.

Another point to be discussed is the possibility of the EU have complementary resources of states, Federal District and municipalities if they do not reach the amount required to meet quality standards in education, conceptualized as Student Cost Initial Quality (CAQi) Student Cost and Quality (CAQ).

The vote of the highlights of the NAP will be part of the concentrated effort announced on Wednesday, the president of the House, Henrique Eduardo Alves (PMDB-RN). The intention to make a concerted effort to vote matters most appealing society.

Brazil Agency


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