Many people do not know this, but eating ripe bananas has an effect on our body that you never even imagined! believe that once you know, you will completely change the way we eat bananas.
A ripe banana helps us to increase the number of white blood cells and strengthen the immune system. Furthermore, improves cardiovascular health and promotes the absorption of calcium.
Banana is a very delicious fruit that should be included more frequently in our diet, not only for their great taste, but also because it is proven that contains very important nutrients that help improve the health of the body. Thanks to a recent survey we can meet other benefits of bananas, and more specifically, those that are fully ripe.
Bananas containing Tumor Necrosis Factor
As the bananas they mature, they develop a lot of dark spots and black invading almost the entire shell. Some prefer to avoid the bananas in this state, since they are sweeter and their texture may seem not so pleasant. What few know is that the more dark spots have the banana, the more benefits it will bring to the body and in particular the immune system.
In a recent Japanese research, it was found that ripe bananas contains a cytosine called Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF), which is released by some cells of the immune system, and have effects on other body cells. This is the one that provides the properties that help us fight cancer. Its effect is so powerful it can help fight the abnormal tumor cells that are present in our body.
The function of the cytosine is compared with that of lentinan, which is a chemical immunostimulant which applies intravenously and acts as an anti-cancer agent.
The effect increases with maturity, that is, the more mature the fruit is, the greater is its anti-carcinogenic effect.
As the fruits ripen, they will change going on in relation to their nutritional value, raising or lowering two properties. In the case of bananas, it was found that the more mature they are the higher the level of antioxidants that focus. Furthermore, when it already has many dark spots, the starch content changes to simple sugars that are easier to digest.
In a study by Japanese scientists, tests were performed associated with the consumption of various ripe fruits: bananas, grapes, apple, pineapple, watermelon and persimmon. At the end of the investigation, it was concluded that the ripe banana is more beneficial than other fruit, as it has the ability to increase the number of white blood cells and enhance the immune system.
To take advantage of this important benefit of banana, it is recommended to eat one or two a day.
Increases the defenses and alienates us from disease
Scientists consider that the more mature banana is, the greater concentration of Tumor Necrosis Factor will. It is believed that the number of defenses and white blood cells can increase by 8 times in comparison with the green bananas which are or are fresh.
What other benefits bring the ripe bananas?
The fact that anti-carcinogenic compounds should be a reason enough to include it more often in our diet. Nevertheless, not to be in doubt, present other important benefits that are achieved by eating ripe bananas.
Good digestive health
A medium banana contains up to 3 grams of fiber, which contributes to good intestinal functions and facilitates the movement of food in the digestive tract. It is assumed that it is a natural source of electrolytes, which, generally, is lost when suffer from diarrhea. It also contains prebiotic compounds such as fructo-oligosaccharides, which help to retain the good bacteria present in the body.

Improves cardiovascular health
Because they are rich in potassium, ripe bananas decrease the concentrations of sodium, which can cause fluid retention and affect heart health. In an analysis of 11 studies published in the magazine "Journal of the American College of Cardiology", it was determined that persons introducing potassium-rich foods to the diet may reduce the risk of crippled from strokes and heart disease.
Healthy BonesA survey by the Micronutrient Information Center of the Linus Pauling Institute of Oregon (United States) revealed that a diet high in potassium reduces the risk of a person suffering from osteoporosis. The ripe bananas are potassium sources, as if it had, fructooligosaccharides contribute in increasing the absorption of calcium, which could at the same time strengthen bones.