Pineal Gland - Third Eye

Pineal Gland - Third Eye

Pineal Gland - Third Eye

We have a natural device within our being that connects the LINK mode of mind and physical body with the universe , this part is within us all and it works every time , since our heads , called the pineal gland .
Called pineal precisely because of its similarity to a pineapple ( in Tupi-Guarani , more castellano piña is pineapple and English) is a gland that is part of the epithalamus , flattened ovoid shape is more or less in the middle of our brain ( between eyes inside the middle of the head ) . The pineal gland secretes melatonin hormone that regulates the functions of growth and puberty, and it is produced from Serotonin and among their most important clinical functions recognize that senses light and creates the feeling of dream, which converts signals from the nervous system in endocrine signals , and also generates the hormone mentioned before .
The Pineal Gland to the ancients was our antenna , our natural to connect with other device dimensions , and is today regarded as the third eye , the one who sees
further around the course , included the future in the art known as clairvoyance , for some pranic energy or life circulates within this gland. The dream also pass through the pineal , the melanocyte - stimulating hormone is excited by light , whereas melatonin , is in darkness.

Tibetan monks speak , this 3rd eye, which had been the center of clairvoyance and intuition , and that in course of time it was atrophying , by which his recovery was needed .
The existence of the epiphysis or pineal is known for more than 2000 years . Galen in sec . II wrote that the Greeks had called anatomical her attention to the particular situation of this gland , concluding that served as a valve to regulate the flow of thought , which appears stored in the lateral ventricles of the brain .
Descartes in the seventeenth sec , expressed his belief that the pineal was the seat of the rational soul . For him , the sensations perceived by the pineal eyes arrive , that would leave even the muscles , and produce the appropriate responses . Modern studies demonstrate this, as in other aspects of his thought that great philosopher of intuition .
Through Chico Xavier , in 1943 , the book Mission of Light, " analyzes the epiphysis as the spiritual life of man gland. Segregating psychic energies , the pineal gland retains descent throughout the endocrine system , the mind , through electromagnetic principles of the visual field that the common science can not yet identify, commands the subconscious forces under the direct determination of the will . The neural networks are you telegraph to the immediate orders departments all cell threads , and perform under his direction up supplies psychic energy to all warehouses autonomous bodies ... " . I believe that the views of the NDE ( near death experience ) as well as the changes occurring with the direct participation have experienced this gland .
Changes in customs and the pineal
With the discovery of artificial light , has revolutionized our ways , so that changed our way of life , our relationship with the Cosmic and also our health . Currently enjoy, but also suffer greater light and sound at the expense of darkness and silence regenerative periods . We lost part of our harmony with the Cosmic , we paid with a smaller development of our pineal , with a slight atrophy of this . Our smaller amounts of melatonin segregation , make that our regenerative processes are insufficient , as well as the rest of our mind , which becomes obsessive and possessive . Today as never before existed many depressions , obsessions and insomnia .
It is noteworthy also that the pineal gland is atrophied due to our food . The subject is complex put here, but is due to a diet rich in food fluoride ( fluoride ) and calcium , such as bread , water, flour, sugar (especially refined ) and fats that with the years go blocking our natural link to cancel it , to this we add external vibratory waves manipulated or artificial radiation .
About fluoride , I want to note a search for a medical scientist to regard that even before 1990 had not been done long-term studies with the pineal gland , then Dr. Jennifer Luke from the University of Surrey in England , came to the painstaking discovery that the pineal gland is the main seat body accumulation of fluoride .
The soft tissue of adult una gland, which contains bad fluoride any tissue in the body at an approximate level of 300 ppm , with the ability to disable enzymes. The gland also contains hard tissue ( hyroxyapatite crystals ) and this tissue accumulates fluoride bad even with a maximum of more than about 21,000 ppm teeth or bones .
Shortly after this discovery , Dr. Luke dedicated experiment on animals to determine whether the accumulation of fluoride could impact the operation of the gland , particularly the regulation of melatonin. The result was that animals treated with fluoride reflect low levels of melatonin in the urine. This is accompanied by a rapid puberty , accelerating the growth in the animal. Their conclusion was that the pineal gland contained a higher concentration of fluoride in the body and that it took a depression of melatonin synthesis and accelerated sexual maturity , and has a role in the duration of puberty.
There is much to be said of this small gland , and much remains to be studying , but in my opinion , it seems that there is something that hinders us to connect our mind and spirit with the cosmos , so that we are sublime beings . Would be the time to know why fluoride was introduced by certain scientists in history ( search ) and because our diet has changed ... Modern times , no? It's something bigger than that ... We have access to this free diet of poisons , which poisons the body and soul ... We are being manipulated all the time ... It would be the time to stop and think of why? Is it not time to take the time to close your eyes and meditate , is " the hour of his soul ," which also has to be nurtured and pampered ... Our body already has too !
Fairly complete info on how it works and how to develop the pineal gland. It's a Spanish site , but the most complete in this sense , one can well understand


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