Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education 

There are many problems that prevent inclusive education is the desired goal, one is the unpreparedness of teachers. 

The free inclusive education is a right for all people with special needs. 

The Law of Directives and Bases of National Education (LDB) in 9394/96 (Brazil, 1996), in Chapter III, art. 4, item III, says it is the duty of the State to guarantee the "free specialized educational services for learners with special needs, preferably in the regular school system." 

Even the chapter 5 of the LDB 9394/96 deals only with aspects related to Special Education. Among points specified in art. 58 § 1 says that, whenever necessary, there will be support services especializadopara meet the unique needs of each student carrying special needs. For example, in a regular class with inclusion can be a deaf student who needs a support teacher who knows Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) to assist in all disciplines. 

A teacher of support for each student with special needs is required. 

A teacher of support for each student with special needs is required. 

Currently, it has already become a reality in public schools, students with special needs attend school in classrooms with inclusion. This is important so that "regardless of the type of disability and degree of impairment, can develop socially and intellectually in regular classrooms" (BENITE, BENITE, PEREIRA, 2011, p. 48th). 

This is certainly an improvement over the past when a young person with special needs were excluded from society, being held only inside your home; besides not receiving any education and no contacts or participate in social activities, often even being mistreated. 

However, for inclusion in fact be realized, it is necessary that teachers are prepared to handle this type of situation. The art. 59, item III, says that education systems should ensure learners with special needs "teachers with adequate specialization in middle or upper level for specialized care as well as regular teachers trained to integrate these students in regular classes" (Brazil, 1996, p. 44th). 

But that is not what is observed in reality. Retondo and Silva (2008) cite Bueno (1999), saying: 

"On one side, the regular teachers do not have minimum preparation to work with children having obvious deficiencies, and secondly, most teachers of special education has very little to contribute to the pedagó¬gico work in mainstream education insofar as they have trampled and built their competence in the specific difficulties of the students who attend "(Silva and RETONDO, 2008, p. 28th). 

Therefore, it is urgent that students of Pedagogy, Psychology, the other degrees and all other professionals who have contact with students with special needs receive their education in this preparation. It is necessary for everyone to be "attentive to pedagogical proposals that assist teachers in improving their conceptions and school doings" (Silveira and SOUZA, 2011, p. 37th). 

Teachers face difficulties not only in conveying to those students in their specific areas of training courses, but also lack the knowledge itself "to deal with the Brazilian Sign Language (pounds) and with the presence of interpreters in their classes" (Silveira and SOUZA, 2011, p. 38th). This becomes even more complicated when it comes to science teachers, such as chemistry, because face great difficulties in dealing with the construction of scientific knowledge aimed at this specific group. For example, deaf students suffer a lot with this issue, because the chemical contains specific language that often has no way be translated into POUNDS, thus hampering the construction of knowledge. 

According to Silveira e Souza (2011, p.38), the result is that even being in the classroom, many students with special needs end up being alienated or excluded - a distancing them, who can not continue their studies occurs. 

If there are trained professionals to make inclusive education, the student with special needs receive appropriate support to continue their studies and career. 

If there are trained professionals to make inclusive education, the student with special needs 

receive the necessary support to continue their studies and career. 

In addition to the teachers who are not well prepared, the higher education institutions themselves do not have physical and learning resources that address the needs of these students. For example, blind students need all textbooks in Braille, wheelchair users need the physical structure of the school is prepared to receive them, having, for example, ramps, handrails, adapted bathrooms, among others. Unfortunately, this is not what you see in many public schools, especially in remote schools in the urban center, which lack minimum conditions to continue working. 

Focusing, however, the educator, there is growing research that guided the training of teachers toward inclusive education. An activity that can help during the training is "to establish a channel of communication with institutions and schools working with pupils with special educational needs" (Silva and RETONDO, 2008, p. 28th). The preparation of various projetospode be of help in this direction, as well as the inclusion of the discipline ethical aspects-political-educational standardization and integration of people with special needs, in undergraduate cited as an indication of the Ministry of Education Ordinance 1793 / 94 (Brazil, 1994). 

Inclusive education in Brazil is still in its embryonic state, and we know that the support and investment by governments are needed. However, we expect continuous improvement projects in this direction, both in training and in continuing training of teachers, with the sane time or at least minimize the decadent points of care to individuals with special needs. 

By Jennifer Fogaca 

Graduated in Chemistry


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