Education in Finland - the best in the world

Education in Finland - the best in the world

Education in Finland - the best in the world

School students fundamentalA Finland , a country in northern Europe with 5.3 million inhabitants , has the best education in the world - according to international ratings. This country , the most northerly in the world , which 100 years ago was a peripheral agrarian and underdeveloped country , is today one of the most advanced societies of world knowledge . It can be said that education is one of the keys of success of Finland .
International Seminar on Palmas TO
Ville Cantell Palmasin seminaarissa 2009No beginning of August, the education system of Finland topic of the lecture was the First Secretary of the Embassy of Finland , Mr. Ville Cantell in Palmas, Tocantins . The Department of Education Palmas organized the seminar to learn from good practice elsewhere . The quality of education has improved substantially in Tocantins , for example , through the implementation of comprehensive schools which already account for 30% of all public schools.
Still in Palmas , Mr. Ville Cantell , met with the State Secretary of Education who is a secretary of state who will visit Finland in September.
Here, then , some of the main points of the lecture of Mr. Ville Cantell at the International Seminar on Integral Education in Palmas , Tocantins .
Lecture on Finnish schools
The education in Finland is free from elementary school to doctoral and includes teaching materials for elementary education , a daily hot meal , health care and dental services and free shipping. This way , you ensure equal learning opportunities regardless of social class , place of residence , mother tongue , religion or gender .
Moreover , it can be considered as factors that contribute to the quality of Finnish education, among others , focus on learning and individual well -being , based on national curriculum implementation according to local reality , extensive network of public libraries totally free culture that emphasizes the positive attitude towards school and education, interdisciplinary cooperation , high educational level of the faculty ( at least master's) , the valuation of professionals with public recognition and competitive compensation .
A typical school day in a Finnish
Classes usually start by turns 8:00 and end at 14:30 ( depending on the day ) . Many students go to school , but those who live far away and do not have access to public transportation , are transported by the municipality.
koulu1O environment in schools is quiet and respectful . Teachers are called by their first names and each child has his class , which includes students from different social and cultural backgrounds . Schools have a typically Nordic architecture which means well lit , spacious , made ​​of durable materials schools. The colors used are warm .
Usually schools have , besides common rooms , workshops for arts and crafts, music, theater , science , gym and library, garden, reading corners and table games and conversations . Students themselves determine weekly goals with their teachers and choose the tasks they can perform at their own pace . You can become a part of the time in workshops learning through practical training while the other part can be dedicated to deepening theoretical knowledge .
One lesson is usually 90 minutes . The 30 minute break is always in the schoolyard , no matter the weather . It is noteworthy that the classes are not used in any way , for silent memorization : the student walks across the room , pick up information , ask the teacher for help , cooperate with others and occasionally resting on the couch . The classroom is active and supervised by the teacher who has authority but does not use authoritarian methods . The pedagogical principles herein is based on the theories of Célestin Freinet .
Learning , however, is not limited to classroom . The concept of learning through task execution is applied, for example in the form of teaching responsibility to care for the plants of the schools , the library , the selective collection and garden and animals . Students also help in the kitchen . These tasks are not guided by the teacher but by other adults in the school janitors , cooks , secretaries and clerks . The responsibility of educating children is dividada iguamente by avoiding all unnecessary hierarchical esturuturas


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